Scammers Profile Link:
Sales Thread: my thread about exchanging my paypal to btc
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: none, it was just a failed attempt
Screenshots of Communication: chat export will be sent to admins if needed
Additional Information: User tried to scam me by double spending the bitcoin. So I basically get no bitcoin.
Crypto address for a refund: none, i just want him banned for scam attempt
Proof: -this transaction was canceled because it was sent with very low fee replacing the original transaction sent to his wallet
You can see my electrum wallet with the fake transaction :
Discord id: 740552171262574593
Discord name: Maxer#7777
his discord ^ If that's not his profile because he refused to confirm, people be careful with these type of scams.
Sales Thread: my thread about exchanging my paypal to btc
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: none, it was just a failed attempt
Screenshots of Communication: chat export will be sent to admins if needed
Additional Information: User tried to scam me by double spending the bitcoin. So I basically get no bitcoin.
Crypto address for a refund: none, i just want him banned for scam attempt
Proof: -this transaction was canceled because it was sent with very low fee replacing the original transaction sent to his wallet
You can see my electrum wallet with the fake transaction :
Discord id: 740552171262574593
Discord name: Maxer#7777
his discord ^ If that's not his profile because he refused to confirm, people be careful with these type of scams.