OP 27 November, 2020 - 12:22 AM
Scammers Profile Link: https://cracked.to/Zvelt_ | https://cracked.to/LilEl | https://cracked.to/KAYZZZZZ
Sales Thread: None
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: None
Screenshots of Communication: https://prnt.sc/vqu1lj | https://prnt.sc/vqu1z5 | https://prnt.sc/vqu37t | https://prnt.sc/vqu3qn | https://prnt.sc/vqu664
Additional Information: So @Zvelt_ is back at it again selling public shit and scamming like always, if you don't know the context about this take a look at this: https://cracked.to/Thread-BEWARE-Zvelt-i...A-KAYZZZZZ | the discord invite is discord.gg/scriptcloud if you want to check yourself lmao.
@KSZ @Liars @Hans69 @Teken @Zombie @Denmark
Sales Thread: None
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: None
Screenshots of Communication: https://prnt.sc/vqu1lj | https://prnt.sc/vqu1z5 | https://prnt.sc/vqu37t | https://prnt.sc/vqu3qn | https://prnt.sc/vqu664
Additional Information: So @
@KSZ @Liars @Hans69 @Teken @Zombie @Denmark