OP 22 February, 2021 - 01:59 AM
"A COMPLETE dump of all git repositories from Nissan NA, most notably including sources for:
- the Nissan NA Mobile apps
- some parts of the ASIST diagnostics tool
- the Dealer Business Systems / Dealer Portal
- Nissan internal core mobile library
- Nissan/Infiniti NCAR/ICAR services
- client acquisition and retention tools
- sale / market research tools + data
- various marketing tools
- the vehicle logistics portal
- vehicle connected services / nissan connect things
- various other backends and internal tools"
SIze: 1.2GB
Link: https://mega.nz/folder/6fognQST#On8sU07f...r/CbBFDAIS
"A COMPLETE dump of all git repositories from Nissan NA, most notably including sources for:
- the Nissan NA Mobile apps
- some parts of the ASIST diagnostics tool
- the Dealer Business Systems / Dealer Portal
- Nissan internal core mobile library
- Nissan/Infiniti NCAR/ICAR services
- client acquisition and retention tools
- sale / market research tools + data
- various marketing tools
- the vehicle logistics portal
- vehicle connected services / nissan connect things
- various other backends and internal tools"
SIze: 1.2GB
Link: https://mega.nz/folder/6fognQST#On8sU07f...r/CbBFDAIS