OP 26 March, 2021 - 09:30 AM
Scammers Profile Link: https://cracked.to/LaCatin
Sales Thread:
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 230€
Screenshots of Communication: https://prnt.sc/10vt6bm / https://prnt.sc/10vt6u7 / https://prnt.sc/10vt79a / https://prnt.sc/10vt7jv / https://prnt.sc/10vt7xi / https://prnt.sc/10vt85i / https://prnt.sc/10vt8dx / https://prnt.sc/10vt8mr / https://prnt.sc/10vt8uy / https://prnt.sc/10vt95b / https://prnt.sc/10vt9fw / https://prnt.sc/10vt9ma / https://prnt.sc/10vta40 / https://prnt.sc/10vtae2 / https://prnt.sc/10vtamf / https://prnt.sc/10vtfvl
Additional Information: In a first time he wanted to buy me 230€ of Bitcoin I sent him my Paypal email but he sent the money in goods and services so I refunded him and he received the refund after 2 days.
In a second time he sent me the payment in F&F so I sent him the bitcoins and after 2-3 hours he contacted Paypal for an unauthorized transaction.
Crypto address for a refund: 31xCpBt6ko2DUrmnr96VUfVc78FREka1eQ
Sales Thread:
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 230€
Screenshots of Communication: https://prnt.sc/10vt6bm / https://prnt.sc/10vt6u7 / https://prnt.sc/10vt79a / https://prnt.sc/10vt7jv / https://prnt.sc/10vt7xi / https://prnt.sc/10vt85i / https://prnt.sc/10vt8dx / https://prnt.sc/10vt8mr / https://prnt.sc/10vt8uy / https://prnt.sc/10vt95b / https://prnt.sc/10vt9fw / https://prnt.sc/10vt9ma / https://prnt.sc/10vta40 / https://prnt.sc/10vtae2 / https://prnt.sc/10vtamf / https://prnt.sc/10vtfvl
Additional Information: In a first time he wanted to buy me 230€ of Bitcoin I sent him my Paypal email but he sent the money in goods and services so I refunded him and he received the refund after 2 days.
In a second time he sent me the payment in F&F so I sent him the bitcoins and after 2-3 hours he contacted Paypal for an unauthorized transaction.
Crypto address for a refund: 31xCpBt6ko2DUrmnr96VUfVc78FREka1eQ