OP 30 September, 2022 - 04:13 AM
Hello cracked members, so a little over few months ago banned cracked member @223s_ Exited me out on $150 for a btc enable cashapp, now recently he bought from my open up store not knowing I'm the one he scammed months ago and I've been lazy with his order on purpose just to fuck around, I offered to provide him service still even though he's banned, just no a refund, and he claims that he's gonna open a scam report
Buddy Deleted Messages: (His excuse: I changed the time rofl lmao)
thread where he exited me https://cracked.io/Thread-Scam-Report-Against-223s
Proof He's da same dude, he deleted chats so just match the times
Buddy Deleted Messages: (His excuse: I changed the time rofl lmao)
thread where he exited me https://cracked.io/Thread-Scam-Report-Against-223s
Proof He's da same dude, he deleted chats so just match the times