Using my note website, you have the ability to send notes that automatically disappear after they have been read. The process is simple:
The website also comes with 3 ad-banners that you can edit to your likings to sell them to potential customers.
The website is pretty much plug'n'play, upload it to your hosting on your domain and you're good to go.
It will come with personal support and I accept a MM.
My asking price is $200, I will only sell 5 copies.
a working live preview can be found on
- Compose your note in the provided text box, then encrypt it and generate a unique link.[/*]
- Share the link with the intended recipient.[/*]
- Once the recipient reads the note, it will self-destruct.[/*]
The website also comes with 3 ad-banners that you can edit to your likings to sell them to potential customers.
The website is pretty much plug'n'play, upload it to your hosting on your domain and you're good to go.
It will come with personal support and I accept a MM.
My asking price is $200, I will only sell 5 copies.
a working live preview can be found on