Hey, im working on a project right now and im wanting to continue to keep making applications that are custom made.
Add me on discord at hypesharp_73626 for projects
I have a GitHub and a Website
I have over 8 years of .NET experience and will program anything in WPF GUI or CLR Console based.
I will:
1. Custom program your application to your liking.
2. Use .NET Reactor to obfuscate your application.
3. Will also supply 1$ updates after purchase.
Past Projects
1. TcmTools.com [2018-2021]
2. TCM Fortnite Skin Checker [2018-2021] [Over 100k Users]
3. TCM Email Bomber [2023]
4. TCM IMAP Checker [2023]
5. TCM SMS Bomber [2023]
6. TCM NordVPN Checker [2023]
7. FireFox COD [2023]
I will make your application 100% tailored to your needs.
This is a bump
Add me on discord at hypesharp_73626 for projects
I have a GitHub and a Website
I have over 8 years of .NET experience and will program anything in WPF GUI or CLR Console based.
I will:
1. Custom program your application to your liking.
2. Use .NET Reactor to obfuscate your application.
3. Will also supply 1$ updates after purchase.
Past Projects
1. TcmTools.com [2018-2021]
2. TCM Fortnite Skin Checker [2018-2021] [Over 100k Users]
3. TCM Email Bomber [2023]
4. TCM IMAP Checker [2023]
5. TCM SMS Bomber [2023]
6. TCM NordVPN Checker [2023]
7. FireFox COD [2023]
I will make your application 100% tailored to your needs.
This is a bump