You have a website in mind that you want cloned?
No problem, I got you covered!
1 Page - 100$
2 Pages - 160$
3 Pages - 260$
4 Pages - 320$
5+ Pages - Negotiable. We can agree on a price that is comfortable for you and me.
1-4 Pages Rates are NOT negotiable.
The rates include all the page features, animations and so on.. I will clone your requested pages as close as possible to the original ones. Some sites will require rewriting the whole code from scratch, while others will require ton of bug fixes to make it fully functional, anyways you don't have to worry about those details, I will take care of all that for you, so you can have your requested pages cloned and fully functional in the end.
Can we use a Middleman? Absolutely.
If you are ready to clone that website hit me up on telegram
No problem, I got you covered!
1 Page - 100$
2 Pages - 160$
3 Pages - 260$
4 Pages - 320$
5+ Pages - Negotiable. We can agree on a price that is comfortable for you and me.
1-4 Pages Rates are NOT negotiable.
The rates include all the page features, animations and so on.. I will clone your requested pages as close as possible to the original ones. Some sites will require rewriting the whole code from scratch, while others will require ton of bug fixes to make it fully functional, anyways you don't have to worry about those details, I will take care of all that for you, so you can have your requested pages cloned and fully functional in the end.
Can we use a Middleman? Absolutely.
If you are ready to clone that website hit me up on telegram