Our service offers one of the largest databases of movies and TV shows in the world, containing over 62,000 movies and 320,000 episodes. The database is updated daily with new releases, and we receive them immediately after they appear on the internet. Many premium streaming sites, such as Watchflixad, Flixnow, and Metashark, use our service.
Servers are stable and streaming is superfast without freezing at all, our files are in high definition 720p or 1080p quality, and can easily be integrated into your site or IPTV app, using either an IMDB or TMDB ID, or through our API, which can be customized to fit your specific needs. Additionally, our player includes a casting feature and 6 million subtitles for all those movies/tv-shows, in fact, our subtitle database is identical to that of opensubtitles.org.
To see a demo player contact us on Telegram: @vidsource
Servers are stable and streaming is superfast without freezing at all, our files are in high definition 720p or 1080p quality, and can easily be integrated into your site or IPTV app, using either an IMDB or TMDB ID, or through our API, which can be customized to fit your specific needs. Additionally, our player includes a casting feature and 6 million subtitles for all those movies/tv-shows, in fact, our subtitle database is identical to that of opensubtitles.org.
To see a demo player contact us on Telegram: @vidsource