Hi, thanks for joining Cracked.to!

To get you started, I'd recommend you reading the following links:
     What is a leecher?: https://cracked.to/misc.php?action=help&hid=11
     Rules & Help Documents: https://cracked.to/misc.php?action=help
     Staff: https://cracked.to/showteam.php
     Upgrade your account: https://cracked.to/upgrade.php

Leeching will get your banned instantly if you're a new member, as staff won't give new members as many chances as members with more activity and contributions.

Rules are rules, follow them. That's it.

You need to know who is a staff and who is not. Respect the staff, they're actually very kind if you don't do anything stupid.

Upgrade your account:
A good idea is to either upgrade your account, or contribute enough to get Contributor Rank.
You can see here what the requirements for Contributor Rank is at this link: 

If you need any help, please DM me here on Cracked.to or add me on Discord: SelfMade#0001 and I'll try to help you out with anything you might have on mind.

Hype Remember to contribute! It's important! Hype