1. Credits page
 -  Banned users are excluded from richest users stats (suggested by @Barry )
 -  Latest donations are now showing formated usernames ( suggested by @BigBallerPi )

2. Conversations
- User online status will be displayed in a dot icon (green - online, offline - gray) in view_conversations ( suggested by @amboss )

3. Upgrade page
- Username autosuggest is added back to gift upgrade page (suggested by @El78 and @TaxiB )

4. Shoutbox
- All settings will be saved without a rewipe after user has closed / opened his browser ( reported by @Barry )
- Fixed an issue where readding 2fa would shout a new award (reported by @Barry)

5. 2FA (Security)
- users can now toggle "force 2fa" - if enabled it will ask for 2fa code each time ip is changed (even if the user is logged in) and on each login. To use this option users will need to readd 2fa again.

6. Credits shop
- Added Kenya and Kuwait flag (suggested by @ Soud69 )

7. Navigation / breadcrumb
- Removed "awards" breadcrumb menu that was displayed twice reported by @pixed )
- help page - removed "styled threads" on help page

8. Footer
- added space after text "Made with" (reported by @BigBallerPi )

9. Misc
- Banned members can now see online list (reported by @amboss )
- Fixed "mybb internal error" message when looking at index or shoutbox pages (reported by @amboss )
- Stats page will now display proper top threads / forums for banned members (reported by @amboss )
- Banned members can't see alerts page anymore (reported by @amboss )

10. Forumdisplay page
- Some forum titles and descriptions have their gap reduced below "users browsing" ( reported by @liverenes
  and @ProjectTrauma )

10. UserCP -> edit css page will now return error in case if style title is missing (reported by @LMF )
11. Stats (modal) usercp stats - corrected date for reputation and post stats (reported by @skywalkingz

12. Footer
- removed status link that was pointing to expired page (suggested by @Blepop )

13. Sig deals
- Added signature expiration time in hours:minutes ( suggested by @JamesBond )