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30/11/ - 03/12 Changelog

by DevUpdates - 30 November, 2021 - 08:34 PM
This post is by a banned member (DevUpdates) - Unhide
4 Years of service
1. General
- new domain (.io)
- all email forwards will now redirect to .io (old emails fowards aren't working anymore)
- all emails are updated to reflect those changes
- auth.php in tools will work with the .to domain (tools authors need to update this in future releases so it goes .io domain)
- .to texts are being replaced with .io
- login page cpatcha will be displayed again

2. Shoutbox
- fixed issue with avatars and items not reflecting current domain changes
- new award / thread shouts will work now
- users will need to reapply the settings in shoutbox

3. Showthread
- ?action=lastpost will now take users to last post in thread (reported by @Sentonta evil pat )

4. Awards
- replaced .to with .io links - reported by @_c99_
This post is by a banned member (DevUpdates) - Unhide
4 Years of service
- 1 000 000 Credits awards - can be requested upon purchasing 1 mil credits from (sellix shop - @ApolloArt )
- Member of the quarter  - new award that's granted to winners in MOTQ poll (designed by @ApolloArt )

2. Posting
- Cashlinks will now trigger in any form (new thread, edit post, pm)
- malware links is now added to
- porn leaks section is now added in "leaks" category (threads are being moved)
- awards can be purchased as a gift to others (items that are out of stock and that have +/- rep on them CAN'T be purchased as gift)

3. Misc
- username history will now display entries from last 30 days (for OP and staff it will display all)

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