(This post was last modified: 22 July, 2021 - 09:17 AM by prokhan541. Edited 1 time in total. Edit Reason: dastards rendered this useless )
I just have only these 3 for now, might add more later you idiots aren't getting anymore lmao. Checked before posting, all of them are working were working then. Not changing the password will be would have been greatly appreciated but apparently people aren't very smart/sharing as I want these to be used by anyone who wants to.

[email protected]:Kusagari7
[email protected]:kiera1999
[email protected]:Tech2828!

Once again, DON'T CHANGE THE PASSWORD, greatly appreciated.

Apparently some idiots don't know how not to change the password/not do sketchy stuff, so the dastards went ahead and did that. You don't wanna pay for software that's understandable, but you don't want others to be able to use free stuff either?