New @'s (listed within last week) are yellow

Most expensive: ($1k+ offers ONLY)
60s - OGE ✔ (Inactive niche page, gets daily followers still)
engineer - OGE ✔ (swapped by Miracle - uncreated gmail)
programming - OGE ✔ (swapped by Miracle - uncreated gmail)

OG Accounts:
aristocrat - OGE ✔
brazilian - OGE ✔ (swapped by Miracle - uncreated gmail)
conceal - OGE ✔ (swapped by Miracle - uncreated gmail)
entrap - OGE ✔
equation - OGE ✔
evanescence - OGE ✔
garb - OGE ✔ (swapped by Miracle - uncreated gmail)
mickie - OGE ✔
oats - OGE ✔
pence - OGE ✔ (swapped by Miracle - uncreated gmail)
serbian - OGE ✔
sharen - OGE ✔
waistcoat - OGE ✔

3 letter accounts:
2vu - OGE ✔ (swapped by Naive - uncreated gmail)
aut - OGE ✔ (potential autism niche??)
boj - OGE ✔
edk - OGE ✔
ez0 - OGE ✔
jgj - OGE ✔ (swapped by Miracle - uncreated gmail)
klg - OGE ✔ (swapped by Miracle - uncreated gmail)
lzj - OGE ✔
nw6 - OGE ✔ (swapped by Miracle - uncreated gmail)
od9 - OGE ✔ (swapped by Miracle - uncreated gmail)
thl - OGE ✔ (swapped by Miracle - uncreated gmail)
zar - OGE ✔

alligators - OGE ✔ (swapped by Miracle - uncreated gmail)
clippings - OGE ✔
encouraged - OGE ✔ (swapped by Naive - uncreated gmail)
falsely - OGE ✔
heavenly - OGE ✔
lacks - OGE ✔ (swapped by Miracle - uncreated gmail)
murderers - OGE ✔
princesses - OGE ✔
situations - OGE ✔
skimming - OGE ✔
suppressed - OGE ✔ (swapped by Miracle - uncreated gmail)
tomahawks - OGE ✔ (swapped by Naive - uncreated gmail)
vagabonds - OGE ✔ (swapped by Miracle - uncreated gmail)

hade - OGE ✔ (swapped by Naive - uncreated gmail)
mooie - OGE ✔ (It means "beautiful" in Dutch)
stak - OGE ✔

Pricing you can expect:
3char = $300+
3L = $400+
Semi = $200+ (varies a lot per name)
OG = Hundreds to Thousands (varies a LOT per name)


I am looking for good offers
I am not in a rush to sell - Don't bother lowballing me thinking you can copy/paste and resell, I am NOT interested.

Can use MMs like Beam, etc, you pay fees if so