OP 12 October, 2023 - 04:56 PM
What i noticed
-They do the stitch method
-Adult niche
-Link in bio or in the subject being clickable
-Spam with a lot of accounts
I tried with different 4G ip's but got shadow banned, maybe cause i have only one device to test it[img][/img]
So, Create Honest, Engaging Content, choose Compliant CPA Offers, And Follow TikTok's Rules And Policies
-They do the stitch method
-Adult niche
-Link in bio or in the subject being clickable
-Spam with a lot of accounts
I tried with different 4G ip's but got shadow banned, maybe cause i have only one device to test it[img][/img]
So, Create Honest, Engaging Content, choose Compliant CPA Offers, And Follow TikTok's Rules And Policies