(This post was last modified: 25 November, 2023 - 09:46 PM by ILLuminat. Edited 5 times in total.)
AMD EPYC Processor 16CPU 2.44 GHz / 32 GB RAM / 342 GB NVMe / 1 Gbps 
[Image: 1e0ca148-4ea9-4355-a0cd-0c4ed505133e.webp]
Origin: Abouz
 OS: Windows, Ubuntu, Linux
PRICE: 21$

-Any legal/illegal/unlawful actions are the sole responsibility of the buyer!
- Refunds are made only if the server is disconnected during the warranty period and there is no possibility to restore it or provide a replacement.
Maximum period of server replacement is 24 hours, in case of server unavailability - refund is made, it is calculated as follows: RDP price/number of remaining days.
- Do not load the server 100% more than 5 hours a day.
It is allowed to use VPN: OpenVpn, WireGuard and any other (BUT: (which do not close the connection to the server via RDP).

Any illegal activities on the dedik: Mining, Phishing, DDoS, Port Scanning, Malware and Scam Sites.
Constant long term CPU load (More than 5h - 90%)
Activities that will result in an abusive notification.
Use VPN services that close the connection to the server via RDP.
*In case of violation of the rules, VPS is removed without refund.
Payment: QiwiUSDT, TRX.
*Check the availability and cost in the telegram channel.[Image: IgUqRlw.png]