- Strong Tier 3/4/7
- TCP Bypass / UDP Bypass (prevents most game shows / fatalities)
- Bypass Cloudflare UAM, Cloudflare reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha (including private pages),
Blazingfast, Sucuri WAF, DDOS-Guard, OVH UAM, Pipeguard, ArvanCloud and MORE!.
- GET / POST with sent data and %RAND% support.
- 10,000 unique IPs per attack
- HTTP and SOCKET mode
- Browser-like requests (headless)
- Speed ​​limit bypass mode
- Geoblock skipping (multiple sources, korea, hong kong, china, etc.)
- Cheap holidays
- High slot (attack slot) availability
- Optional API access
- Automatic payments
- .onion websites can be attacked
- OVH bypass over UDP (ts3, samp, arma, pas, etc.)
- Over 1 million pps and 100,000 rqps PER concurrent (stackable)

Captcha: On some sites cloudflare can bypass recaptcha & hcaptcha HTTP mode cannot.
Universal: Can bypass JS challenges and cloudflare recaptcha & hcaptcha.
HTTP mode still bypasses most JS tests as well as UAM, captcha and recaptcha.
The socket module is still sending a large amount of http requests.

AVERAGE power for 1 CONCURRENT of the NORMAL network:
- 100K RQPS (Tier 7)
- 1 million pps (approximately 700 Gbps depending on method)

The more you send simultaneously, the higher the total power output.
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