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Building an extensive proxy server from scratch.

by Bluefingerz - 12 January, 2021 - 05:09 PM
This post is by a banned member (Bluefingerz) - Unhide
4 Years of service
Its been a while, but its not like anyone cared. I just wanted to list my new project somewhere. I wanted to start off by saying that dam near every proxy "service" is said by other people as resold. This seems to make sense because everyone I know deeper in this than me and they are still in proxy hell. Plus, I see the most inexperienced people selling proxies its almost laughable. I use to pay way too much for the most HQ proxies and use them for the most random garbage. Whats even more upsetting is that ALOT of sites would still ban them (residential roatating) giving me a pathetically low cpm. Eventually I learned how to mod out the openbullet to auto scrape proxies. (not even modding just playing with settings lol) . I found I was getting a comparable cpm for completely free as the paid proxies. Now after some more experimenting I start running into problems. 1-EMAILS 2-DISNEY+ 3-NORDVPN theres probably way more including Twitch but the trend was starting to become clear. A low cpm or a triggered security setting. This is embarassing and not usable at all, but no way in hell am I gonna pay top dollar for a proxy service that will prob ban me from even using the service. Another trend I noticed with alot of these smaller proxy companies. THEY ALWAYS EXIT. ALWAYS. The same scam happens just like everything "LiFeTiMe SuBsCrIpTiOn". Even if they are professional enough they do that GB bullshit. Who honestly is going to use proxies with a gb meter and actually make money off their work. Thats when I realized the final principle of this business (any business that requires proxies). MAKE THE KIDS THINK THEY RUN THINGS. If you own a shop i promise you most of your profit goes right back to proxies. Now we talk about my work >:)) so ive gotten my hands on a very HQ tool and one of the modules is a proxy checker with a custom url filter. At first I only did this because Ive taken up Google scraping. (For reasons we cant discuss here anymore) but I realized I can use this for sites like netflix. So filtering these helped a noticable amount. A 1 cpm turned into a 70 cpm. (STILL SHIT) But this is science and a trend is just as significant as results. I abandoned this project for a bit bc i was getting no hits on Netflix and had to keep replacing these proxies. one day my friend messages me. He has taken an interest in one of my other projects (one we cant speak here either) lets just say that these require the use of clean proxies. He tells me some site and I ask him to try to login to netflix with this proxy. NETFLIX BLOCKS PROXIES DURING LOGIN. This means that checking proxies on the netflix site is pointless. I would need to check them on a site that automatically blocks proxies. I have alot of ideas of where I can take this but for now I will check scraped proxies to an extremely high standard. I will develop a pool as large as my list and then check. If this attempt works it will be most original and groundbreaking project. It may not be too original, but everyone who has done this has created pools known to be used by everyone in the community. I need to discover something for once. master my weapon so much that i improved it.
This post is by a banned member (Snake1337) - Unhide
5 Years of service
good luck with your project
[Image: 7xibycc.jpg]

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