OP 27 August, 2020 - 12:42 PM
Today I will show you how you can "bypass" reCaptcha from google. It is not a real bypass like anti-captcha or any services could do, but it is a free way to go through %80 of the time the Captcha without doing anything manualy
The example that I will show u use C#, but you can ez translate it to any other languages.
We will use an extension, to use extension on selenium we need to download an extension in .crx format (like the Honda).
Then we need to create a ChromOption in order to load the extension :
Then just launch a new ChromDriver with the option :
Now you just need to click on the captcha and then on the little icon the extension displays
Just click on it like you usualy do with selenium :
If you have any question just ask me on cracked !
If you want me to post more turorial on C# just let me know (You what to do ) !
The example that I will show u use C#, but you can ez translate it to any other languages.
We will use an extension, to use extension on selenium we need to download an extension in .crx format (like the Honda).
Then we need to create a ChromOption in order to load the extension :
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
options.AddExtensions(@"your path");
IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options);
tempmail.Navigate().GoToUrl("random url");
Just click on it like you usualy do with selenium :
If you have any question just ask me on cracked !
If you want me to post more turorial on C# just let me know (You what to do ) !