I don't believe this is a new scam but people claiming to own popular websites will message shop owners and give them a copy and paste message. Hoping that people will buy ad banners on their website
I know it was a copy and paste message because
1. I've received the same format before
2. he sent paragraphs of messages + a screenshot all within the same minute from his first message saying "hey"

screenshots of the "format" people will send
[Image: J4bVqAM.png]
[Image: 5kTFryB.png]

the account sending these types of messages will always delete their account after a while (I assume after they've scammed someone)
the "scam" part is they either
1. Don't own the website, but they just say they can put your ads on it - once you send the money they delete their account
2. Fake the stats, there is zero way to seeing any real stats or any user activity - Even if they do put your ad up nobody else will see it
3. They don't put your ad up once you've sent the money

I won't send the website here but it's basically a low effort website that posts account logs:[Image: ODs4xsM.png]

I haven't personally been scammed by this because I don't trust it at all
Nor have I seen anyone else post anything like this before saying it may be a scam

I might be wrong about this but I thought I may as well at least warn others about it, Hopefully at least to use a MM or ask more questions to anyone with sites like these instead of instantly sending money with full trust (correct me in the comments if I'm wrong about this)