This post is by a banned member (youngclout_MP4) - Unhide
02 June, 2020 - 08:45 PM
This post is by a banned member (Attaniaz) - Unhide
03 June, 2020 - 11:32 AM
This post is by a banned member (ozkanalgz) - Unhide
04 June, 2020 - 10:50 PM
(28 September, 2019 - 07:36 PM)TerkaaXD Wrote: Show More (13 August, 2019 - 04:02 PM)webzyyy Wrote: Show More[font][font]DAHİL:[/font][/font]
[font][font]- AŞIRI ENJEKTÖR 3.7.3[/font][/font]
[font][font]- CSGO hack.dll / ESP / AIMBOT / SILENTAIM / VB[/font][/font]
[font][font]Nasıl kullanılır:[/font][/font]
[font][font]- Eki indirin ve ayıklayın[/font][/font]
[font][font]-[/font][/font][font][font] Extreme Injector v3.exe'yi[/font][/font][font]
[font] çalıştırın [/font][/font]
[font][font]- [/font][/font][font][font] (isteğe bağlı) [/font][font][font]Ayarlar'ı[/font][/font][font][font] tıklatın [/font][font] ve ardından [/font][/font][font][font]Güvenli Modda Başlat[/font][/font][font][font] enjektörün Kendiliğinden Hile tespitini önlemek için. [/font][/font][/font]
[font][font]- Kutuya bir işlem adı yazın (uzantı dahil). [font]Belirli bir işlemi hedeflemek veya pencere adına göre seçmek istiyorsanız,[/font][/font][/font][font][font] Seç[/font][/font][font][font] düğmesini[/font][/font][font]
[font]kullanın [/font][font]. [/font][/font]
[font][font]- DLL[/font][/font][font][font] Ekle[/font][/font][font][font] düğmesini[/font][font]tıklayarak istediğiniz DLL'leri [/font][font] ekleyin[/font][/font][font][font] . [font]Ayrıca, bunları DLL listesine sürükleyip bırakabilirsiniz.[/font][/font][/font]
- You can disable/enable which DLLs to inject so you can keep your favourite DLLs without needing to find them each time.
- Go into Settings and customise the settings to your liking. Everything should be straight forward (do not mess around with Advanced settings unless you know what you are doing).
- Click Inject and enjoy! (or wait for the process to start and let it auto-inject if you ticked auto-inject)
- Colourful and customizable GUI
- Process List
- Multi-DLL injection (with options to enable/disable DLLs to inject)
- Auto-Inject
- Stealth Inject
- Close on inject
[font][font]- DLL Scrambling ( [/font][/font][font]
[font]hack'lerin [/font][font]algılanmasını zorlaştırmak ve tespit edilen [/font][font]hack'lerin [/font][font]tekrar çalışmasını sağlamak için enjeksiyondaki DLL'leri karıştırır) [/font][/font]
[font][font]- ' [/font][/font]
[font][font]Enjekte [/font][/font][font]
[font]' DLL'leri [/font][font]- Çoklu enjeksiyon yöntemleri (Standart, LdrLoadDll Saplama, LdrpLoadDll Saplama, İplik Ele Geçirme ve Manuel Harita) [/font][/font]
[font][font]- Sürükle ve düşürme desteği [/font][/font]
[font][font]- 64 bit enjeksiyon desteği [/font][/font]
[font][font]- Otomatik Visual C ++ bağımlılık yükleyicisi [/font][/font]
[font][font]- Enjeksiyondan sonra dışa aktarılan işlevleri yürüt[/font][/font]
[font][font]Bu iş parçacığında benzer bırakmaktan çekinmeyin. [font]Bunu apriciate ediyorum! [/font][font]: ezy:[/font][/font][/font]
[font][font]Herhangi bir yardıma ihtiyacınız olursa benimle iletişime [font][font]geçmekten çekinmeyin: ezy:[/font][/font] [/font][/font]
[font][font]şimdi deneyeceğim[/font][/font]
This post is by a banned member (Dismixed) - Unhide
11 June, 2020 - 01:54 PM
Thank you i was scared of getting a virus[/font]
D i s m i x e d . . . u r m u m g e y
This post is by a banned member (LittleNightmare) - Unhide
11 June, 2020 - 01:58 PM
This post is by a banned member (Bennymiao) - Unhide
26 June, 2020 - 11:47 AM
(13 August, 2019 - 04:02 PM)webzyyy Wrote: Show MoreINCLUDED:
How to use:
- Download and extract the attachment
- Run Extreme Injector v3.exe
- (optional) Click Settings and then Start in Secure Mode to avoid Anti-Cheat detection of the injector itself.
- Type in a process name into the box (including the extension). If you want to target a specific process or select by window name, use the Select button.
- Add the DLLs you want by clicking on the Add DLL button. You can also drag and drop them into the DLL list.
- You can disable/enable which DLLs to inject so you can keep your favourite DLLs without needing to find them each time.
- Go into Settings and customise the settings to your liking. Everything should be straight forward (do not mess around with Advanced settings unless you know what you are doing).
- Click Inject and enjoy! (or wait for the process to start and let it auto-inject if you ticked auto-inject)
- Colourful and customizable GUI
- Process List
- Multi-DLL injection (with options to enable/disable DLLs to inject)
- Auto-Inject
- Stealth Inject
- Close on inject
- DLL Scrambling (scrambles DLLs on injection to make hacks harder to detect and make detected hacks work again)
- 'Un-inject' DLLs
- Mutiple injection methods (Standard, LdrLoadDll Stub, LdrpLoadDll Stub, Thread Hijacking and Manual Map)
- Drag and drop support
- 64-bit injection support
- Automatic Visual C++ depedency installer
- Execute exported functions after injection
Fell free to leave a like on this thread. I would apriciate it! :ezy:
Fell free to contact me if you need any help :ezy:
This post is by a banned member (Jogii) - Unhide
27 June, 2020 - 12:28 AM
This post is by a banned member (patasarek) - Unhide
27 June, 2020 - 12:32 AM
(13 August, 2019 - 04:02 PM)webzyyy Wrote: Show MoreINCLUDED:
How to use:
- Download and extract the attachment
- Run Extreme Injector v3.exe
- (optional) Click Settings and then Start in Secure Mode to avoid Anti-Cheat detection of the injector itself.
- Type in a process name into the box (including the extension). If you want to target a specific process or select by window name, use the Select button.
- Add the DLLs you want by clicking on the Add DLL button. You can also drag and drop them into the DLL list.
- You can disable/enable which DLLs to inject so you can keep your favourite DLLs without needing to find them each time.
- Go into Settings and customise the settings to your liking. Everything should be straight forward (do not mess around with Advanced settings unless you know what you are doing).
- Click Inject and enjoy! (or wait for the process to start and let it auto-inject if you ticked auto-inject)
- Colourful and customizable GUI
- Process List
- Multi-DLL injection (with options to enable/disable DLLs to inject)
- Auto-Inject
- Stealth Inject
- Close on inject
- DLL Scrambling (scrambles DLLs on injection to make hacks harder to detect and make detected hacks work again)
- 'Un-inject' DLLs
- Mutiple injection methods (Standard, LdrLoadDll Stub, LdrpLoadDll Stub, Thread Hijacking and Manual Map)
- Drag and drop support
- 64-bit injection support
- Automatic Visual C++ depedency installer
- Execute exported functions after injection
Fell free to leave a like on this thread. I would apriciate it! :ezy:
Fell free to contact me if you need any help :ezy: