There are only 2 methods of subscribing, via Email or via PM. I just want one simple notification via my Alerts like @mentions, but only the Pm method allows notifications on which sends a PM to me as well as an Alert. So, I have to clear both of the Alerts Notification as well as the Pm Notification. So can't there just be one single Alert notifications like when someone @mentions you so I don't have to painfully read the PM to make it go away.
Now you can say, "the PM gives a link to unsubscribe from the notification, how will we un-subscribe", well the Alert when clicked will take you to the thread, then you can click the No Notification Button on the thread to make them go away. If that's a pain, a setting can be added on settings so users can select how they want to un-subscribe from thread or subscribe.
@J_S look please
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Now you can say, "the PM gives a link to unsubscribe from the notification, how will we un-subscribe", well the Alert when clicked will take you to the thread, then you can click the No Notification Button on the thread to make them go away. If that's a pain, a setting can be added on settings so users can select how they want to un-subscribe from thread or subscribe.
@J_S look please
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