(This post was last modified: 25 December, 2021 - 11:12 PM by Timberg345. Edited 1 time in total.)
OP Less than 1 minute ago
this nigga @Krolle used to work as custoemr care guy on different shops (on this forum) to earn few buck nd i think he still does.
i know this caz this nigga, he did not hav that much money to buy extra username shit for many months, but suddenly after refund army takin over his profile, he now has Diamond username , nd even have malachai usergroup.

Truth is, this profile is being SHARED and operated by real Krollie as well as the profile credentials has been shared with memebrs of Refund army whom he has secretly sold the profile to, which is against Cracked TOS nd deserves a ban for this.
@SZ investigate further as this broke ass guy somehow became rich overnight, is not this suspicious?

this guy has earned many many bucks by sellin his profile, this secret has been kept secret to avoid the ban.

One of the proof that this profile is being shared by him- (below)
few weeks ago , a thread for buying "Different profile" was posted from his profile, do not u think it's bit susp.? do not believe so, check his profile, u will find one.
why would krollie need Different forum accounts,, to spam or what, IT'S JUST REFUND ARMY GUYS using his profile to post stuff to get gains for their service, or to promote stuff there.

Krollie's profile seriously shows the pointss that refers that he must have sold his full profile in order to get direct gains from refund army, such as a "Diamond username", Usergroup.

The account is being SHared by Krollie with Refund army guys, so that no one would susp. anything, caz anytime REAL Krollie would login to prove the point that it's still not sold, nd he operates his profile, yes you do, but the issue is , it is being shared, which is against TOS OF CRACKED.

He can not FULLY sell his profile, else he knows he will be banned for that (if someone reports) hence a secret deal was done to share the profile as this would prevent the ban as NOBODY would know.
is not that the case Krollie ?

Krollie is my love . He is rich Pepelove