OP 13 April, 2020 - 11:20 PM
Stuck in lockdown, I have been playing Animal Crossing the last couple of weeks. With a need to invite some specific villagers and the expense of Amiibo cards on eBay, I have taken to creating my own using my NFC enabled android phone and some writable tags from Amazon.
If you want to create your own find everything below:
1. Get NTAG215 from Amazon or your preferred retailer (sorry not completely free)
2. Download TagMo.apk here: https://github.com/HiddenRambler/TagMo/releases
3. Download the Amiibo bin files and config files here: https://mega.nz/folder/ch8jjJYB#9nyre5i3Ns0fcVuZPMWGEQ
4. Install and open TagMo; in the menu (dots in top right) load in the two config fules (locked-secret.bin and unfixed-info.bin)
5. Load the desired Amiibo and write to the tag. You can then use it from the Nook ATM to invite that villager to the island
If you want to create your own find everything below:
1. Get NTAG215 from Amazon or your preferred retailer (sorry not completely free)
2. Download TagMo.apk here: https://github.com/HiddenRambler/TagMo/releases
3. Download the Amiibo bin files and config files here: https://mega.nz/folder/ch8jjJYB#9nyre5i3Ns0fcVuZPMWGEQ
4. Install and open TagMo; in the menu (dots in top right) load in the two config fules (locked-secret.bin and unfixed-info.bin)
5. Load the desired Amiibo and write to the tag. You can then use it from the Nook ATM to invite that villager to the island