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Cross Forum Scam Report

by WindexBoi - 10 July, 2020 - 09:11 AM
This post is by a banned member (WindexBoi) - Unhide
4 Years of service
I wouldn't call it too fake. Just between u and me I think i have a good chance at winning this thread
Im back G_G.

DM for inquiries about dorks, potential tools you want made around the field of dorking, hacking, etc. 
DM for inquires about proxies, as I'm looking for prospect clients and their needs to then create a service dedicated for them.
DM for League of Legends based deals, such as cracked accounts, cheap botted accounts in bulk with a sub 1% ban rate, ARAM accs, Hand leveled accounts, boosting, and cashflowing.
This post is by a banned member (DonXirus) - Unhide
6 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 10 July, 2020 - 09:28 PM by DonXirus.)
i will not make things complicated for you, so as brief if someone started selling an ebook

1- "Posted 26 July 2018 - 02:29 AM"

3- I sell only for reputable members or if my customers garantee someone and vouch for him that he is trusted nough

3- have more than 15 vouches from Customers who did buy it and read it.

3- all my customers are happy with what they bought

5- no one of them did ask for refund

6- no one of them said that my methods are public

7- i help everyone of them even this leaker who did open the scam i have his full conversassion and i did answer all his questions even when the question is dumb i answer it

8- i supported you more than 10 times on anything you need helps on

9- you bouhg ebook for more than 5 months and received all chapters

10- now the in 07/10/2020 the ebook is bad and methods are pbublic ?

so if it's true at least ask for refund not just come and share it with his friends and leak it to everyone; so the rules are clear and the scam report is fake.

and i need him to pay all damage caused to the whole comunity.

the good thing is that my service is still up and i still updating with new chapters.

And for the Numeric Dorks you talking about a lot they was private not public, and i released that ebook and gave credit to "Antileech" on 2017 to sell it on, but later someone of his customers did leak it. so i shared the ebook on nulled to get full Credit, and i did add that chapter to my chapters so customers get whole informations about Dorks, and next time when you try to find if any method is public or private it's not like that, there is tons of methods private on google and you can't find them if someone didn't teach you that, so basically we call something public when everyone have it, but when someone teach you something did learn it from searching or making tests you should be grateful not dumbass like you.
My Only Discord --> DonXirus#6132
This post is by a banned member (WindexBoi) - Unhide
4 Years of service
fact check once again. Donxirus is now lying on his response to a scam report.
Im back G_G.

DM for inquiries about dorks, potential tools you want made around the field of dorking, hacking, etc. 
DM for inquires about proxies, as I'm looking for prospect clients and their needs to then create a service dedicated for them.
DM for League of Legends based deals, such as cracked accounts, cheap botted accounts in bulk with a sub 1% ban rate, ARAM accs, Hand leveled accounts, boosting, and cashflowing.
This post is by a banned member (DonXirus) - Unhide
6 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 10 July, 2020 - 11:46 PM by DonXirus.)
Ok so you don't want to stop, and all you want is keep talking shit, so better think twice before open a scam report against me, i don't have time to answer you cause you are just a kid that comes to learn dorks from me one day, but when you learned how to make parameters and page types you felled like you are a dorker now, so better when you open a scam report don't poste kids proofs cause now i see you like a 13 years old kid trying to have a discussion with 30 years man, so i will deal with you just like that, so you need to change the way you thinking cause i know your life is hard and you have bad situations with your father i don't need to show proofs cause already have screens of your life problems if you want me to poste them, so keep me out of your real life problems it's between you and your fother.
And remember your poems are shit whenever you make a poem and send it to me to rate it its basically 3/10 better focus on dorks instead of asking me to rate your poem, cause you bought dorks teaching service from me not poems teaching skills i'm not an artist to understand your bullshit. but at least i did answer you and i said your poems are HQ but it was a lie cause i didn't wan't to make you feel bad. Because you have no friends to help all your friends pushed you to leak ebookand now you are just trashselling and having no proofs just talking around and getting some random discord discussions to proove your self. so better poste something deserve reading instead of westing my time and mods time.

and next time when you want to poste a proof poste it like this don't screen shot only what you need 
[Image: rrjmSAG.png]

And i warrned you to not leak anything from the ebook more than 2 times but who i'm talking to just kid and only kids can do whatever they want and we can't need to blame them cause they are just kids
My Only Discord --> DonXirus#6132
This post is by a banned member (CYBER0) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (WindexBoi) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 11 July, 2020 - 04:15 AM by WindexBoi.)
Don. please keep it relevant to the scam report. not your life story. this is about how the information in the book is public not our interactions. cyber your input is not current in this sr and Darkness asked for it to all be relevant. please keep up guys. Don, posting public methods of dorking isn't scamming you. if it's found on Google it's not worth anything.
Im back G_G.

DM for inquiries about dorks, potential tools you want made around the field of dorking, hacking, etc. 
DM for inquires about proxies, as I'm looking for prospect clients and their needs to then create a service dedicated for them.
DM for League of Legends based deals, such as cracked accounts, cheap botted accounts in bulk with a sub 1% ban rate, ARAM accs, Hand leveled accounts, boosting, and cashflowing.
This post is by a banned member (DonXirus) - Unhide
6 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 11 July, 2020 - 07:59 AM by DonXirus.)
@Darkness , sorry for all this bro i don't want to make your work more hard but what i can do  this will be my last poste  and Thanks for reading it

First, lets talk about my service, and i can provide the copy i'm selling for my customers, the first chapter v1.0 is the real ebook that i did release on 2018, it's not public methods at all.
it content 3 type of dorks Basic advanced and expert dorks. so if we are talking about an ebook that teahc you dorks from beginner to expert, of cours we need to start with basic dorks to go step by step,
so everyone cn understand clearly the meanning of dorks,the advanced dorks are basically basic dorks but implemented with new functionsn then comes the expert dorks when we make things more complicated 
and expert uncluding all functions and dorks skills. so to explain all this to customers thats what my ebook have and no one can teach you dorks like i did, methods clear and with screens detailed
steps. But the good thing is that i did implement all those 3 type of dorks with some new combiantions that no one did know about them before or even used them, cause if we all checked all posted dorks before i start selling
my ebook all dorks was like ( search function + keywords + page type + page parameter=) and all tools which can generate dorks can use only this combiantion which is public and everyone know how to use it.
so when my ebook released i did release more than 51 new combinations that no one has used them before and thats not public cause you can check all dorks on google or any search engine you know.
put in recherche dorks list and you will see the dorks: sample result with sample combination nothing new at all, but in my ebook you can play with dorks like pro using different ways and methods,

Second thing is the ebook comes with 4 private methods i called them "index dorks" and i did explain the method well which all steps on the method with screens and proofs that make it special, and 
no one was using them be cause i released that, and if you did find a dork with the index word on it thats not mean they are index dorks, cause index dorks are with combinations, and the dork you did find on google is using index as keywrd only.
so basically i did make 3 type of dorks from just the "index dorks" and i did explain them well, with steps and rules needed to make the dorks with more than 3 ways, to let customer understand the method easy,

now we have 6 methods explained well on the first chapter 1.0 and no method of those is public and i can provide the ebook it self to check it.
Ebook link:

now lets back to what he said is public, i mean "Numeric Dorks", so the"Numeric Dorks" dorks was released by me on 2017 i used them for more than 7 months,
because even if the method was on google it was as dorks not as method which can explain how to make them, and even if you searched on numeric dorks you will find nothing, because the keyword
we talking about now "numeric dorks" was private it self, and if you did find dorks about it i'm sure if you didn't read it on my ebook you will never understand it,
so i want to poste the ebook for free, but Antileech asked me to sell it, then i gave him all rights to sell it and here is the thread sell
but later when Antileech was banned someone tried to leak it then i want to get back my credit and get some likes for my hard work i did put on that ebook, then i posted it for free 
here is the threead:

and all this happened before you buy the ebook so basically you already know that Numeric dorks are public now, and everyone of my customers know about it too cause i announced that on my server
before sharing it on public. so now i think all clear

now lets talk about other chapters, all other chapters 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04 was as Bonus from me means you didn't pay anything you did pay just for the first chapter then whenever i make new chapter you 
get it for free, only chapter 1.03 it's cost 10$ as support cause i lost much time on writting it, and to make things more clear it was Customers suggestion not mine,
and on suggestion channel on my server i let my customers suggest what they want to read on the next chapter or update, so basically you are buying only the first ebook v1.0 and my support for 100$,
and for support most of my customers uncluding you i used teamviewer with them and explained many things from ebook and shwoed you how to make dorks using my methods,
mean when you read ebook of cours you will need my help to guide you and clear things for you, and you know how many time i helped and supported you untill you understood everything and all methods ...

Third, if randomly we found that some dorks of my methods are on google or any random search engine, thats not means that the methods is public, because no one will explain the dorks to you as i did.
so stop talking shit and trash sell and proove your self, now you fucked things and all my customers want you to pay the damage you did by sharing all methods for no reason.

and Finally, i want to say sorry for your lost, you just wasted your time by leaking an ebook that was sold for more than 2 years, and my service will still up and customers will have new updates,
and thank God you did it now because it's time to get V2.0 out of the ebook, because only dumb people who are sharing everything at once, the smartest keep new things for themselves

As Brief: i have 112 Customers and you was 113, the question now is are you the only smart one on the server who did notice that all methods are Public ?
My Only Discord --> DonXirus#6132
This post is by a banned member (WindexBoi) - Unhide
4 Years of service
Wait so in this last part. You've stated clearly that they are public correct? Next "index.php" is not a method. It's a page in every php web server. It's the base page. WHICH IN YOUR EBOOK, you did not know the difference between a page of javascript and the method that you "allegedly" found. Now if you found it, you would CLEARLY understand it's methodology. Not making such major mistakes which I made sure Cyber had capitalized for me. You did not explain something well when you don't understand how it works. Again on the numeric. It's completely incorrect syntax. You don't put a keyword (numeric code) as a parameter, because it fucks with google. Just because you add a number (which people have been doing for years ever so clearly) and putting it in an incorrect syntax doesn't make it a "method". You said I didn't confront you about the public methods. Which I clearly did provide evidence I had brought it up. I also provided another screenshot to Darkness which includes you describing the methods as private as of which I believe was the 8th of January. NOW you're stating it's public for several years right here? Please make a conscious decision of it's worth before advertising it as private to not be once we open the book. Another thing. If your other customers can't compare your book to anything. How are they to know you're using incorrect syntax throughout almost every method in your book? It's not like we read minds. If a new Hz gets released for a TV. The old one looks jittery. So I made a complete explanation of errors throughout your entire book explaining each syntax and logical error. This also shows sites where the logic for your methods could primarily be based off. And the reason I say that is you can't find a method and not know how it works. Not only is that inconceivably entertaining it also shows that you've stolen public methods as linked multiple times in this thread and added some other functions which google encourage to be used and multiple hundreds of "Google Hacking Ebooks" provide. If you'd like to talk about combining strings and queries being a private method let's discuss coding like ZeroNT and Cyber wanted to. Just because you put 2 functions or variables to overlap in coding doesn't mean you've found a "private" piece of code. It means you've put to together to achieve a desired outcome. I'm sure you think index was described perfectly but if you look back on your first chapter. YOU SHOW JAVASCRIPT "indexOf" and claim this is the original of the index.php method. Which is just completely wrong. You follow this up with multiple syntax errors rendering the method just a joke. 

You also said you have people on news articles your methods to post. Should we contact those journalists that you allegedly shared it to when I confronted you about the methods being posted on google? If they found it? And didn't get from you. Just between you and me. It can't be that private
Im back G_G.

DM for inquiries about dorks, potential tools you want made around the field of dorking, hacking, etc. 
DM for inquires about proxies, as I'm looking for prospect clients and their needs to then create a service dedicated for them.
DM for League of Legends based deals, such as cracked accounts, cheap botted accounts in bulk with a sub 1% ban rate, ARAM accs, Hand leveled accounts, boosting, and cashflowing.

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