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by taap - 24 May, 2024 - 08:47 AM
This post is by a banned member (taap) - Unhide
4 Years of service
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Amount or Item(s) Scammed: $50
Screenshots of Communication: Will post censored screenshots below. (Can send uncensored to admin in PM).
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@Zenitsu15 and I agreed for him to develop a custom discord bot with third party API integration. Price $50, and deadline max. 7 days (Starting from 17th at 6am). -

On 18th he sent a video showcasing the bot in production, saying it was the first update of it. He also mentioned he couldn't test the bot because of the third party API integration blocked his US IP adress.
I told him I can provide a EU proxy for him to use, to do the testing & debugging. (It's included in our agreement that the code needs to be without any bugs or errors foir this deal to be considered completed)

I tried to set up & run the bot, both locally and on my server, but neither worked. I asked @Zenitsu15 to provide a deployment guide that I can follow, in case there's some requirements for it to run which I don't know about, making it unable to set up.
After 8 hours I received an update to the readme file, which just contained a couple of sentences explaining how to set up the discord app and give it permissions, and grab it's token. There was no information regarding deployment at all. (I can send proof to admin in PM). There was no sort of confirmation that he had tested & debugged the code either.

8 hours ago I told him that I'm losing my patience having to wait several hours inbetween responses, and once he responds, there's no sort of info that actually helps to proceed setting up the bot.
He told me to have patience yet again, and said that he "maybe will make another guide" on how to deploy the bot. I told him I didn't want another guide, and rather would just for him to provide me the information over Telegram messages.

8 hours later and he got back to me. The deadline is now overdue, and he responds back with this:

I have received the code for the bot, but it has not yet been confirmed to work. I've not been able to set it up, due to it giving errors when I'm trying to run it.
None of the functions or the third party API integration has been tested because of this. There has been no confirmation from the seller that the code has been tested & debugged.
I've asked for evidence to showcase that he is able to run the bot from his end, and to showcase all of its functions to be working - But he's failed to provide this as well.

It's very rare that code works flawless at the first run, without any sort of testing & debugging. Usually it requires some more time to fix any bugs. Because @Zenitsu15 been stalling with the deployment requirements/guide since 20th, I haven't been able to test the code. Most likely there will be work required to fix bugs that we find once it is launched, unfortunately this most likely means it will take several more days for him to complete. The agreed 7 day max deadline is already overdue, and I'm not interested in waiting any longer. I'm asking for a full refund in the same crypto as paid. As agreed on, @Zenitsu15 should cover the transaction fee's, I need to receive a refund of exactly $50 to consider this be closed.

Crypto address for a refund: USDT TRC29 TVHZghuTShXLEUZbumxb2qa5LRNZk6qsJ8
This post is by a banned member (Leechometer) - Unhide
5 Years of service
System bot message: @Zenitsu15 (Zenitsu15) has been notified about this dispute via private messages and has 24hours to reply in this thread
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This post is by a banned member (Zenitsu15) - Unhide
3 Years of service
first of all I am not scamming no one for 50 bucks bruh. you are just too impatient

secondly the deployment isn't on me, it's on you to deploy and run the bot

when I sent you the finale update of the bot files earlier (May 23), I tested it and it was fully working (at that time) on my side, after testing it, I deliver it to you

but after your feedback today (May 24) and you having a hard time runing it, I went ahead to make a video recording so I tested the bot again and while doing so I found new bugs which led to me taking more time to fix them

I admit that it was a fault on my part accepting the 7 days deadline, I should have suggested an extended deadline from day one, but it is what it is. I underestimated the time bug fixes will take.

anyways, since you are not willing to wait more days for bug fixes updates, I will just refund you

but give me the right address and network, you included "USDT TRC29", I never heard of a network called "TRC29", give me the right network + address, which is "USDT TRC20", USDT on "TRC20" network

waiting the correct address and network...
[Image: 00.png]
[Image: tH4D80E.gif]

This post is by a banned member (taap) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(25 May, 2024 - 12:26 AM)Zenitsu15 Wrote: Show More
first of all I am not scamming no one for 50 bucks bruh. you are just too impatient

secondly the deployment isn't on me, it's on you to deploy and run the bot

when I sent you the finale update of the bot files earlier (May 23), I tested it and it was fully working (at that time) on my side, after testing it, I deliver it to you

but after your feedback today (May 24) and you having a hard time runing it, I went ahead to make a video recording so I tested the bot again and while doing so I found new bugs which led to me taking more time to fix them

I admit that it was a fault on my part accepting the 7 days deadline, I should have suggested an extended deadline from day one, but it is what it is. I underestimated the time bug fixes will take.

anyways, since you are not willing to wait more days for bug fixes updates, I will just refund you

but give me the right address and network, you included "USDT TRC29", I never heard of a network called "TRC29", give me the right network + address, which is "USDT TRC20", USDT on "TRC20" network

waiting the correct address and network...

"you are just too impatient" - A deadline is a deadline. I would've understood if there was some bigger issues that made us have to push deadline. But this is not the case here. You made me wait 4 days for absolutely nothing, and because of this we reached the deadline. An agreement deadline is still a deadline. Don't you think it's fair that you should deliver as promised within set deadline and not stall your clients time?

"secondly the deployment isn't on me, it's on you to deploy and run the bot" - Of course. And I have told you that I tried to run it locally (didn't work), and I also tried to set it up on my server and run it (didn't work). It's giving me errors.
This is the only reason why I asked you to provide me the deploy instructions, in case there's something I am missing that is required, or maybe there's some actual issue with the code. I asked for proof that you were able to run this on your end, so that we can factor out the part that there's some issues with the code, but for 5 days now you didn't provide me any kind of proof. I can only assume that the issue is with the code, and not with me deploying it.

"I went ahead to make a video recording so I tested the bot again and while doing so I found new bugs which led to me taking more time to fix them" - You didn't say anything about this to me. You didn't send me any video, even though I asked for proof several times. You literally also just confirmed that you found new bugs within the code that took more time to fix it. In our agree deal, there's a clear 7 days max deadline, and it clearly states that this task is only considered completed when the code doesn't have any bugs or errors. This just confirms that there were bugs within the code by the time we passed the agreed deadline, meaning you didn't hold up your end of the agreement.

I made a typo in the network lol, it's not a biggie. Here's the correct one:
USDT TRC20: TVHZghuTShXLEUZbumxb2qa5LRNZk6qsJ8
This post is by a banned member (Zenitsu15) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 25 May, 2024 - 02:17 PM by Zenitsu15.)
50$ sent now


@Liars @Darkness close this

it is fully confirmed already
[Image: 00.png]
[Image: tH4D80E.gif]

This post is by a banned member (Darkness) - Unhide
Staff Team
5 Years of service
Solved. Closed.
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