OP 20 March, 2022 - 05:33 PM
I updated my original combo sorter.
Please LIKE if you enjoy the script.
This will now go trough the folder you put this script in and all subfolders.
You can define domain name or country or anything you want really.
example ( Type without quotes ):
".de" will save all german combos.
"yahoo" will save all yahoo combos.
It went trough main folder and 11 subfolders totaling 121 files at around 100-300MB+ each file in about 16 minutes.
The 121 files extracted 1.25GB of lines with ".de"
it will show how long each file takes and it will tell you how long all of it took after it is done.
Save all of the code to a python file.
Either right-click > Edit with IDLE > Press F5 to execute
open a terminal/cmd window and write python filename.py
Please LIKE if you enjoy the script.
This will now go trough the folder you put this script in and all subfolders.
You can define domain name or country or anything you want really.
example ( Type without quotes ):
".de" will save all german combos.
"yahoo" will save all yahoo combos.
It went trough main folder and 11 subfolders totaling 121 files at around 100-300MB+ each file in about 16 minutes.
The 121 files extracted 1.25GB of lines with ".de"
it will show how long each file takes and it will tell you how long all of it took after it is done.
Save all of the code to a python file.
Either right-click > Edit with IDLE > Press F5 to execute
open a terminal/cmd window and write python filename.py
import glob, os
import time
save = input("Name of the file you want to extract to: ")
domain = input("domain you wish to extract .com / .dk example(.co.uk): ")
then = time.time()
for filename in glob.iglob('**', recursive=True):
if filename.endswith(".txt"):
thenx = time.time()
with open(filename, errors='ignore') as f:
lines = [l for l in f if domain in l]
now = time.time() #Time after it finished
print("Filename: " +filename+" It took: ", now-thenx, " seconds so far")
with open(save+".txt", 'a') as fi:
for listitem in lines:
print("It took: ", now-then, " seconds in TOTAL")
Making Openbullet configs and Python scripts.