(This post was last modified: 27 May, 2020 - 05:12 AM by Xlrators.)
I'm rebooting an old project of running an online/drop shipping jewelry business. Back, when I was in college I made X,XXX from the business over time selling locally & online storefront. That was with with literally no knowledge & a lot of guessing in my purchases ha ha. It was just a hobby of something that I figured out that people would pay way more than I purchased it for. My only real expense was the website hosting, ads, ig services, and physical jewelry to sell locally. Anyways, this time around I'm looking for a serious partner to team up with that. Most of my sales were done via Instagram with some Facebook sales. The niche within the jewelry business is mainly "Hip Hop Inspired" jewelry. I've done collabs with other pages, but it was never a real partnership & just temporary. If anyone knows where I could potentially find a partner I'd appreciate it.