OP 16 November, 2024 - 09:31 PM
(This post was last modified: 17 November, 2024 - 03:22 AM by Zhaxxx.)
Im bored and I wanna help you guys out so why not lol.
We've done hundreds of orders and its time we serve you guys up.
Trying to get to 1500 subs so here's what is going down. [img][/img]
First place: £250 Store credit
Third place: Fake Police Report template, guides, and some methods.
This credit is usable with us, so whatever you order as long as the fee is of accordance, you'll have the order compensated FREE of charge.
You pay NISH!!
You can get orders of up to £2500 for absolutely FREE!
Instructions: 1. Private message @d8n3l on telegram
2. Make sure you're in Our channel
3. You will then be given a reference entry number.
All three winners will be announced on the 22nd! Good luck guys and get entering..
Telegram link
This is a bump
Im bored and I wanna help you guys out so why not lol.
We've done hundreds of orders and its time we serve you guys up.
Trying to get to 1500 subs so here's what is going down. [img][/img]
First place: £250 Store credit
Third place: Fake Police Report template, guides, and some methods.
This credit is usable with us, so whatever you order as long as the fee is of accordance, you'll have the order compensated FREE of charge.
You pay NISH!!
You can get orders of up to £2500 for absolutely FREE!
Instructions: 1. Private message @d8n3l on telegram
2. Make sure you're in Our channel
3. You will then be given a reference entry number.
All three winners will be announced on the 22nd! Good luck guys and get entering..
Telegram link
This is a bump