Hello HQ Members.
In this thread, i will thank the most HQ member: @Hans69
So what happened?
On Monday I asked the n.to Shoutbox if anyone knew a good Buy4U service because I would like to buy Airpods.
@Hans69 just told me to send my ETH-Addy in the shoutbox, he will pay for that.
I thought he is kidding so i really sent it in, 2 minutes later i really got the money for this..
I am just speechless and want to thank you, sugar daddy.
Sir, very HQ!
I am really bad at being thankful, but as i already told you 100x, i really aprpeciate this.
Also he upgraded me to Infinity, since i was a grey pleb here on c.to
Thank you for this, Sir! I planned to upgrade myself, but this is no longer necessary now.
@Hans69 I love you, my friend.
[Image: teddyv2.png] [Image: teddyv2.png] [Image: teddyv2.png]

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pepeokay pepeokay pepeokay pepeokay