OP 21 December, 2022 - 03:17 PM
I don’t know how to start this but tbh i think or i feel like I’m depressed or I’m getting depressed I recently graduated got a biotech degree but in my country for a biotech graduate there’s isn’t that much job opportunities so I started preparing for an MBA entrance but right now i have literally less than a dollar in my bank account and i hate asking money from my parents i want to be financial independent but I literally got zero skills in anything for freelancing i don’t know where to start i feel like I’m on a dead end I don’t know what type of skills i need to be a freelancer or anything that can help me earn some passive income I don’t have anyone to whom i can talk about all of this I don’t have that much friends and one’s i got are busy in their life don’t have a girlfriend either last night i was having suicidal thoughts people around me are doing productive things earning living their life but i, i just feel like I’m stucked i want to start going to gym but I don’t even got the money for memberships i feel like this is the lowest point in my life so I thought I should share my feelings here i even thought of learning some skills but i don’t know which skills should i learn. I’m hoping if anyone here would help me or give advice or anything and I’m sorry for any mistakes my English is not that good.
Thank you
Thank you