(This post was last modified: 19 October, 2019 - 08:46 PM by chj2934.)
    Public Sub Login()
        Using req As New HttpRequest
            req.UserAgent = Http.ChromeUserAgent
            req.Cookies = New CookieDictionary(False)
            req.Proxy = Nothing
            req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = True

            req.AddParam("email", tmail.Text)
            req.AddParam("password", Tpass.Text)

            Dim respo As String = req.Post("https://paragonmenu.com/index.php?login/login").ToString
            If respo.Contains("Forum list") Then
                MsgBox("Login Done!")
                MsgBox("Login Or Password Incorrect")
            End If

        End Using
    End Sub
so this piece of code is supposed to detect if the account info is correct or false and give me a message based of the what the page says after I login however know matter what i do it detects my account is incorrect can you help me with this

this is also a part and i have everything i need imported
(keep in mind this is a test before i make combo function for this) :fuck: :fuck: Pepi Pepi