(This post was last modified: 23 November, 2021 - 07:40 AM by ethot. Edited 2 times in total.)
I have a private method to make SMTPs @ https://sendgrid.com and I can provide live proof if needed.
Looking for proper email spammers who have pages/letters/leads and proper jobs to work % based. I can provide bulk daily/weekly.
These servers don't die fast, as they're not cracked. They will work until the max email capacity is sent or until the month is over.
Proof: https://prnt.sc/20l970chttps://prnt.sc/20l9roi - Yes I get full access to account/panel, no I won't provide (Only SMTP info).
Send me your offers in PM or add my Telegram to discuss: @chopless

Note: I will have my SES method working within the next few weeks or so, me and my partner are doing testing before offering it.