Welcome to my shitty thread
It's shit thread anyway no need for the hide kappa
Enjoy wasting your time!

I'll teach you how to be untraceable kappa

1. Use no logs VPN.
2. Encrypt your HDD
3. Never use your real name like here 
4. Never use your picture as avatar here kek 
(I know this sounds so stupid but actually I did this but it's my gf kek in my postbit background
now dox me kappa)

5. Always clear your cookies & flash cookies
6. Change your mac address frequently
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[Image: 68747470733a2f2f637261636b65642e746f2f69...6e2e706e67] Leechers will be REPORTED [Image: 68747470733a2f2f637261636b65642e746f2f69...6e2e706e67]