OP 18 February, 2023 - 04:28 PM
So basically I was on snapchat and was seeing this guy give investing advice and Fraud and methods and sim switching and other stuff, so basically he said that if I gave him £160 he can flip it or something so I gave the money but He didn’t like say when he was going to give the money, so then I kept asking him where is it but then he said he doesn’t know because he gets his sim switch from another guy but then, this is my dumb part, he said if I gave him an extra £40 he would send the money straight away so I sent him it and me no realising what’s happening I’m just hubby funny because I’ve never done this type of thing before and then after I text him saying when is it going to be done then he says he’s out and he will do it when he comes back, then after I wait a few hours and text him back but now he is just airing my messages and leaving me the on read, if my parents find out what I’ve done I’m finished. I’m so pissed I’m crying man, how can I get the £200 back
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