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I am being Ignored by @BiaccShop Scamming for 210$ Poor Dev

by LegionDev - 21 June, 2023 - 12:28 AM
This post is by a banned member (LegionDev) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 26 June, 2023 - 06:55 PM by LegionDev. Edited 2 times in total.)
Scammers Profile Link:
Sales Thread:
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 200-210$
Screenshots of Communication:

Proof that i completed the website work and dilvered it :

Proof that biacc is ignoring me now :

Additional Information:

Whole Situation: so they own a web dev server and a random guy dmed their customer and trying to steal their customers. And biacc and his staff this its me beacuse we both have same bio and stuffs?? I dont want to hurt biacc but what today biacc did to me is worst in my life . So they think im that guy who dmed their customer but its not me they never confirmed on site that its me . And the website i completed have pending payment on biacc which means biacc owe me 200$ of my money which i made website and dilverred to his customer . And today they removed my role beacuse a random guy trying to steal their customer . It can be anyones alt

I just want my hard work money of 3 days i worked on same project day and night to dilver on time and got role removed and ignorance in end [Image: pepe.gif]

Crypto address for a refund:

Its night time for me and this guys made me sad so i have to sleep ill reply with any proofs tommorw if staffs need
This post is by a banned member (Leechometer) - Unhide
5 Years of service
System bot message: @BiaccShop (BiaccShop) has been notified about this dispute via private messages and has 24hours to reply in this thread
[Image: v6F3tGP.gif]
top ad by @briskybrisk [exp 14/07/24]

[Image: Banner.gif]
mid ad [exp 15/07/24]

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This post is by a banned member (BiaccShop) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (LegionDev) - Unhide
2 Years of service
Bumped #4
(This post was last modified: 21 June, 2023 - 02:27 PM by LegionDev.)
This guys never confirmed me on site and just took action based on their shitty assumption. I can also copy biacc status. Name . Bio and try to dm other will that make me biacc alt?? No right then why thefk someone else having same things are me? When its not even me they should confirm me on site. And when i said that everyone can copy bio and status then these guys say that dont change the topic lmao beacuse they know thay i am not that guy who dms his customers they just want to keep the money i completed my work.

In last ,

1. They never confirmed on site that its me or not

2. Having same bio name status dont prove its my alt

3. I did hard work to complete the site in 3-4 days and night

4. This user dont have right to takeaway my money that i worked for. With his shitty TErms and conditions

Also for these guys same both user are in same server myaddys,

Yes i own a public server myaddys which is offical server of my site called . Anyone can join it from site so that user must came from it

This still dont prove thats its me

And examples posted there is just a random images and that user dont have any roles in my server . To prove its real him

They dont check his roles . He can copy image pfp from site and bio same as other to impersonating

I reset of judgment ill pass to staffs , thanks

This is a bump
This post is by a banned member (LegionDev) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 22 June, 2023 - 12:15 AM by LegionDev.)
Update : My payout ticket is closed in his server most probably he will ban me soon ill keep you updated this user really tryna scam me for 210 bucks

New Update : user banned me from his server 100% scammed my work money . I want my money of my hardwork
This post is by a banned member (BiaccShop) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (Summer) - Unhide
3 Years of service
Hey there @LegionDev, This really isn't my place to speak but iv'e been working with @BiaccShop for awhile now as he works for olympus.

1. Having your buddy or "random person" join his community and go against him and his service with no actually previous experience with his service and then proceed to also speak false information in regards to Biacc, is super unprofessional.

2. Also seeing you was on an alt account as shown above from Biacc above:
Proofs that these two accounts has the same discord links and websites in their bio:

Proofs that these two are the same person can be found in Legion's own Discord Server(MyAddys Official) in the "Examples" channel, where 2 out of the 3 examples belong to these two persons: -

3. I also know that biacc has a TOS for his workers and well you 100% broke there TOS... tos mentioned here:
Proof of our staff terms and rules:

4. Also seeing that biacc paid you for the first part of your works as mentioned here:
Proof of the payment he got when he finished his first job to establish trust between us:

I don't think the client was satisfied with @LegionDev work seeing that there is no review and now Biacc will need to offer himself to fix it.
And if that's the case you should be refunding @BiaccShop the money he sent you.

anyways that's my thoughts @Liars.
[Image: 4v63n7I.gif]
This post is by a banned member (LegionDev) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 22 June, 2023 - 01:28 PM by LegionDev. Edited 1 time in total.)
Having same bio and status dont prove its me beacuse everyone can copy my status and bio to pretend it to me .

I own a public discord so any one can join it its not my fault thatbhe was present in the same server

I dont control actions of my users of . I dont know why you dumb keep saying its me

For the last that i did his full work and biacc didnt ask review from him so its his fault that he didnt reviewd on his profile .

The work i did for second guy will give me feedback already persons do statify with my work

This is just biacc stealing my hardwork money and you as friend supporting his side @Summer

@Liars in final this 2 guys are friends and supporting both themselves and i an new here so i dont got a friend here . But i wanna explain again

That having same bio and status dont make its me

This guys never confirmed on site so its not my fault

I have did my hard work for 300$ project in which my cut was 200$ and that biacc is holding rn

I can show screenshots of the work i did for customer he is still talking to me and im helping him for more development in his site and features beacuse he us really statisfied with my work

He is ready to vouch for me rather than he vouching for biacc? Makes sense beacuse biacc is dumbshit user ever

Proof that customer is full statisfy with my work :

@Summer your not even involved in this deal still i writing in dispute @Liars should warn him its against cracked tos he is literally helping his friend

This guys keeping free 300$ of my work customer got his code this guy got their money and i got nothing lmaoo

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