(This post was last modified: 27 March, 2022 - 01:40 AM by aydyn. Edited 1 time in total.)
pm me what you want, we will talk about price there depending on complexity. I am willing to negotiate prices!
alternatively, contact me on discord: aydyn#0001 {i will most likely reply faster on discord)

after I confirm what you want, I take 50% upfront, and will update you with progress very often (could be more than 2-3x per day)
you will get a working copy of the code WHENEVER YOU ASK!!!!
once the code is to a point where you are happy with it, you will send the remaining 50%.
if you have any features you want to be implemented, let me know 7 days before I am done coding.
if for some reason you find a bug or need help running it, or it becomes broken in the future, let me know, I will fix that no matter how long after.

if you prefer a different language for whatever reason, ask, I know quite a few.
discord: aydyn#0001 (712799889544970310)
telegram: @aydynx