(This post was last modified: 16 July, 2021 - 07:52 PM by santapeter. Edited 1 time in total.)
New discord server with guides for logitech warranty method, i will post more guides for other things today or tommorow and we selling all things for this method so photos videos and examples of issues(free)

Products we have: yeti, lg g923, Lg Z906 and we will add more today

Pricing: issue 15€, photos 7€
You get around 3-5 pics
Issue - you get ISSUE videos that shows you issue of the device with your custom serial number and ticket number

Here you get the magic: https://discord.gg/gVw9GYsN

I will add you rank, just join more informatorom on private message dc

Just try Smart

Coming soon: free laptop guide, free console guide

Today discord will be upgraded just check