DWT Listing is a WordPress Theme that gives you complete freedom to create any type of directory or listing website Design your pages on the front-end and witness your work instantly come to life. No Paid Plugins Needed, Everything Inside. Absolutely no coding required.

Powerful theme options.
Contact Form 7.
Listing Reviews.
Bookmark Listings.
Listing Ratings.
Short code Ready
Custom short codes included.
Integrated with Google Maps.
Background Images Parallax
Owl Carousel
Instant search on header.
Fully Responsive
Breadcrumbs bar (section).
Customized Dashboard page for front end users.
Shop Integrated.
Fully integrated with WooCommerce.
User Sign In/Register functionality included.
Single Click Demo Import.
Integrated with Contact Form 7.
Contact Form widget included.
Latest Blog Posts widget included.
Back to top option.
Translation ready (Does not support multi-language).
Clean and well structured code.

This theme requires PHP version 5.6+ DWT Listing can be translated to any language, but it is not multi-language or WPML compatible yet.

Download link:
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Have a great day and health God bless you!