OP 23 January, 2019 - 10:28 AM
[Image: 1546923028_josh.jpg]
Josh Admin template is a bootstrap based admin template which comes in following versions Laravel 4/5 Version: Is your next project on Laravel? Use this theme and save your valuable time. HTML Version: This version can be used for working with any language like PHP, ASP, Ruby, JSP, Perl etc…
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/josh-laravel-admin-template-front-end-crud/8754542
[Image: bluehostbanner.jpg]
Josh Admin template is a bootstrap based admin template which comes in following versions Laravel 4/5 Version: Is your next project on Laravel? Use this theme and save your valuable time. HTML Version: This version can be used for working with any language like PHP, ASP, Ruby, JSP, Perl etc…
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/josh-laravel-admin-template-front-end-crud/8754542
[Image: bluehostbanner.jpg]