OP 05 July, 2023 - 03:38 PM
vBulletin Connect 5.7.5
Tue 20 Jun '23
Changes and Updates in vBulletin 5.7.5
vBulletin Connect 5.7.5 is now available to download. vBulletin Cloud sites will be upgraded automatically in the next 7-14 days.
We have improved the handling of notifications. Upon deleting content, the system will automatically remove related notifications. Notifications will remain if the user has permission to view deleted content.
We have moved more inline Javascript to external files to enhance security handling. Furthermore, we have resolved several PHP syntax warnings and notices. If you encounter any issues in the AdminCP, please perform a hard refresh or clear your browser history.
In previous versions, a noindex meta tag could be placed on the rendered page when using a query string (e.g., domain.com/?post=1234). We have removed these tags from the content pages. The system will continue to add the canonical URL to prevent duplicate content warnings.
Rebuild Topic Information
The General Update tools include update to the Rebuild Topic Information tool. This tool will now update rebuild URLs based on current settings. Additionally, if a topic does not have a meta description, it will create one using the first 300 characters of the topic.
Additional Issues
Strip comments and whitespace from files in vb.phar
The RSS feed poster did not work correctly when run from vbcron.php
Clean up error handling in creating content
Email Addresses over 100 characters cause issues.
Header Ad Dialog is not constrained to the screen.
Inline mod menu does not have the shrink child class
An error was shown when double-clicking on a topic title
update vb_backup.sh
The Orphaned Topics tool has been removed.
Clean up auto post logic
Remove spamlog record when deleting a node
Adding a hashtag to a reply node results in it being stripped from the post.
Clean up set_time_limit
Move next/previous version calculation to the base class
vB_Utility_String fallback to iconv instead of failing when mbstring and iconv both enabled