OP 20 May, 2020 - 07:19 PM
Releasing an archive with a searchable engine for 000Webhost, 5 Million Gmail and nulled accounts. To use just extract to a webhosting site with support for PHP or run it locally. All the combos are in one file and all the combos available have been around the web for a while so it's public domain now. 000Webhost combo is from 2014...
The reason why i'm releasing this three databases into one file is because the data is correct. My email credentials were available and the passwords were a match.
You need to open the file with an editor like EditPad Lite
EditPad Lite Download: EditPad Lite
Direct Download: Download
Normal Download: Download
The password is: datagroove.
Compressed 391 MB.
Uncompressed 1.2 GB
The reason why i'm releasing this three databases into one file is because the data is correct. My email credentials were available and the passwords were a match.
You need to open the file with an editor like EditPad Lite
EditPad Lite Download: EditPad Lite
Direct Download: Download
Normal Download: Download
The password is: datagroove.
File is too large.Compressed 391 MB.
Uncompressed 1.2 GB