VOUCH (Seller gave me the Vouch Copy)
My review goes in abyss to give u the real view of this product. My answers to, what is promised by the seller.
Q- You will get access to a website that doesn't give a shit about any US/EU rules about piracy?
A- Yes the Movies, Tv Shows and Netflix Content including many Releases from other streams are available, without any doubt and I feel they do not give a shit about piracy.     
Q- Website In English? A- Yes (in multiple languages)
Q- Downloading from website? A- Yes. (easy would be through IDM)
Q- Watchable online?  A- Yes.
Q- It also has this amazing feature with enables you to watch anything you want while browsing web. A- Yes just like Youtube.
Few Questions that I had in mind---
Q- Does the video lag midst watching? A- It does sometimes but it is worth the wait. Easy is to download it and then watch.
Q- Does it have all the content (video) in Eng? A- Mostly they are in English (also in multiple languages)
Q- What is the Quality of videos? A- HD and Medium
    @Nikkobtc  provided me with two websites in case one gives any kinda glitch so one could switch to the other one. These sites does give a way to watch the pirated contents (not all content is very recent).

Note- This Site is available for Free(Public) and My Vouch just displays whether the site offers what the Seller has promised about the site.
[Image: mb5BOMm.png]