What you'll be doing is 100% legal, if you meet the requirements you'll basically have to do about 20 minutes of work the first day then you'll be making money daily on autopilot, we'll split profits 50/50.

18+ or older
Valid ID
Located in the United States
Bank Account
Paypal or Cashapp Account

So the requirements are essentially just to be an American adult. And don't worry, you won't be providing your ID/personal info to me, you'll be signing up and the website in question requires it. I'm only looking for people who want to earn long-term, $10-20 or so dollars a day isn't much, but after the first day, you will be doing absolutely no work, but just collecting payment, and giving me my cut, so essentially a free couple hundred a month. This has nothing to do with fraud as many suspected on my last post, this has to do with a referral exploit. Let's get this money!

If interested and you meet the requirements message me on discord 