Hello person reading this forum! 
I am looking for a person who has
powerful GPU and experience with Hashcat.

I know I am new here so - why can you trust me?

> Simple answer is, you can't trust me, if you feel unsafe about your cash returns we will workout a way to split all future earnings instantly. 

Wait?? What "Future Earnings" ??

> Yes soon enough more info will be provided to such partner who may accept this plead. 

What do I have to do exactly?

> Crack or Provide hashes in format of (hash;plaintext) or (hash;salt;plaintext)

Started yesterday, already have a powerful server (Currently have over 223.000.000 Hashes in database)
Speed can be over
1k requests a second to the API. 

Well what are you waiting for?!  

Discord: xhash#0001