OP 16 February, 2024 - 03:03 PM
1. Register an account on etherscan.io , activate it by email, log in to your etherscan account, go to API Keys, generate your key and replace "YOUR_ETHER_API_KEY" with your actual key
2. Place your seeds into seed.txt where the seedchecker.py is located, create good.txt or simply replace path and name of your seed and result files at the end of the checkseed.py
3. Run: python checkseed.py
When script will finish checking, results will be saved in good.txt ( or w/e file you specify for output )
Don't forget to install requirements with pip
pip install requests
pip install eth-account
2. Place your seeds into seed.txt where the seedchecker.py is located, create good.txt or simply replace path and name of your seed and result files at the end of the checkseed.py
3. Run: python checkseed.py
When script will finish checking, results will be saved in good.txt ( or w/e file you specify for output )
Don't forget to install requirements with pip
pip install requests
pip install eth-account
import requests
from eth_account import Account
import time
def get_wallet_balance(address, etherscan_api_key):
url = f"https://api.etherscan.io/api?module=account&action=balance&address={address}&tag=latest&apikey={etherscan_api_key}"
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()
balance_in_wei = int(data['result'])
balance_in_eth = balance_in_wei / 1e18 # Convert Wei to Ether
return balance_in_eth
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error fetching balance for address {address}: {e}")
return None
def check_balances(file_path, etherscan_api_key, output_file):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
seed_phrases = set(file.readlines()) # Using a set to remove duplicates
print("Starting balance check...")
with open(output_file, 'a') as out_file: # Change to append mode
for seed in seed_phrases:
seed = seed.strip()
if seed:
wallet = Account.from_mnemonic(seed)
print(f"Checking wallet: {wallet.address}")
balance = get_wallet_balance(wallet.address, etherscan_api_key)
if balance is not None and balance > 0:
print(f"Success: Address {wallet.address} has a balance of {balance:.18f} ETH.")
out_file.write(f"Seed: {seed}\nAddress: {wallet.address}\nBalance: {balance:.18f} ETH\n\n")
elif balance is not None:
print(f"Address {wallet.address} has zero balance.")
time.sleep(0.2) # Delay to avoid hitting the rate limit
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error with seed phrase '{seed}': {e}")
print("Balance check completed.")
# Replace these paths with your actual file paths
seed_file_path = 'seeds.txt'
output_file_path = 'good.txt'
etherscan_api_key = "YOUR API KEY IS HERE"
check_balances(seed_file_path, etherscan_api_key, output_file_path)