NotCoin could be a special cryptocurrency made by Pavel Durov's group and coordinates into the Telegram app. It's not just a currency but a meme amusement that permits clients to win coins by basically tapping the screen.

NotCoin is a fun and free game that is quickly becoming popular among the crypto community.

—To get started, all you have to do is join Telegram, copy and paste the link below, and press the play button.

—After pressing the play button, you will discover that there are many ways to earn more coins.

The owner of this project is founder of TELEGRAM, and it's an absolutely free opportunity, so you won't lose anything. The game is currently in pre-sale, so you can buy NFTs with 10 million tokens for TON, and in the future, the NFT will be listed and worth more

ref: https://t.me/notcoin_bot?start=r_588535_32466290
non ref: https://t.me/notcoin_bot