(This post was last modified: 14 December, 2023 - 07:11 AM by SASociety. Edited 3 times in total.)
I'm in search of individuals willing to create two new TikTok accounts and generate 3 pieces of content daily for 7 days!
If the results after seven days are promising, we'll continue the collaboration (we will still pay for your job).

I'm paying $7 for each under-60-second TikTok video uploaded to the fresh accounts, with an aim for organic growth.

Daily maximum: 3 videos
Maximum accounts: 2
(total of 6 videos per day)

$42 USD/Day Potential Earnings.
The video editing is straightforward; I'll supply the content, and you can edit as you see fit for maximum attention.

I'm interested in multiple collaborators, so with pure urgency, please DM ME TO APPLY. I will send you a Google Doc with all the information and the application sheet.  

DM Me on Telegram: @ImIntoxication

This is a bump

Bumping this

Bumping this!

Bumppp  Monkah Monkah