16 September, 2019 - 06:19 PM
(10 May, 2019 - 10:32 AM)Overside Wrote: Show Morethank you buddy
Credits: demiurgo ™
OB COMMIT 189 [ 09/05/2019 ]
[ From Commit 189 ]
Fixed SplitSeparator in Utility Block.
Added Sort to the Utility Block in List group.
- Bumped version to 1.1.2 -
Added the ability to set a maximum CPM inside a Config Settings.
Added the ability to not create an empty variable when the Parse Block fails.
Added an option in Config -> Other Options -> Requests to change the max amount of redirects allowed for the requests in a certain config.
Changed the config selection dialog to be exactly like the config manager listview.
Added a button to disable Ctrl+C/V on Blocks.